<p>So I've done threads before and I've received conflicting messages about my chances. I've finally finalized my list, and I was wondering if I could receive feedback about my chances at these schools because I am kind of stressed about college as many of you can probably sympathize with.
class of 2012
female from CA
ethnicity: multiracial mexican/white
GPA: 3.83 uw, 4.5 w I've taken challenging classes
SATs: 2200 (700 m 800 cr 700 w)</p>
-soccer (9, 10, 11) asst. (12)
-Environmental club (11, 12) president sr. year
-Usherettes (school volunteering club) secretary (11) vicepresident (12)
-Storyteller volunteer (preschool for underprivileged children) (11, 12)
-church youth group community service events since 9th grade (ie house builing in mexico, fast to promote world hunger and raise money, clean up church days)
-volunteering with children's summer programs (9)
-I also work as an office asst. (20 hours a week during the summer, 2 hours a week first semester, more second)</p>
<p>the schools are:
University of Puget Sound
Whitman College
Lewis and Clark College
Cal Poly Slo
Pomona College
Occidental College
Macalester College
Kenyon College
Carleton College
Vassar College</p>
<p>I would be really really happy to attend any of these (except perhaps maybe cal poly which might be a bit bigger than I want) and I really appreciate any replies!</p>