So I'm confused...opinions would be lovely

<p>So I've done threads before and I've received conflicting messages about my chances. I've finally finalized my list, and I was wondering if I could receive feedback about my chances at these schools because I am kind of stressed about college as many of you can probably sympathize with.
class of 2012
female from CA
ethnicity: multiracial mexican/white
GPA: 3.83 uw, 4.5 w I've taken challenging classes
SATs: 2200 (700 m 800 cr 700 w)</p>

-soccer (9, 10, 11) asst. (12)
-Environmental club (11, 12) president sr. year
-Usherettes (school volunteering club) secretary (11) vicepresident (12)
-Storyteller volunteer (preschool for underprivileged children) (11, 12)
-church youth group community service events since 9th grade (ie house builing in mexico, fast to promote world hunger and raise money, clean up church days)
-volunteering with children's summer programs (9)
-I also work as an office asst. (20 hours a week during the summer, 2 hours a week first semester, more second)</p>

<p>the schools are:
University of Puget Sound
Whitman College
Lewis and Clark College
Cal Poly Slo
Pomona College
Occidental College
Macalester College
Kenyon College
Carleton College
Vassar College</p>

<p>I would be really really happy to attend any of these (except perhaps maybe cal poly which might be a bit bigger than I want) and I really appreciate any replies!</p>

<p>I love your list! I'd be happy to attend any of them, too!
I think you will have some difficult decisions to make, as you are bound to get into several.
Be sure that your essays reveal the compassionate person you appear to be. Good luck!</p>

<p>Wow. I'd say you're a match at all except perhaps Pomona (actually, I dont know much about the others, except Lewis & Clark)</p>

<p>BTW, what AP's, honors did you take?
AP scores?</p>

<p>thanks guys!
I took AP World History (4) AP Environmental Science (4) and AP US (5) I've taken all honors english and math. this year i'm taking:
Stats (college class)
AP English
AP Spanish
IB Theory of Knowledge
AP Gov
Sociology 101 (college class)</p>

<p>I really like your list too, and hope you consider a non-CA school back east or midwest. Vassar, Oberlin, Kenyon (esp if you're a writer), and Carleton are all very highly regarded; go visit the ones you get into and go where the feel and $$$ are best. Good luck.</p>

<p>I'm definitely considering schools far away, it's just that often they're more competitive than the schools I'm applying to on the west coast so we'll see</p>