So Brown has downloaded my app

<p>They did on Jan 13 about a day after I submitted it on January 12, I've said this before but I actually sent it Jan 1 but for some reason the commonapp submission didn't go through which I discovered when I logged into commonapp 12 days later. So I called Brown to ask what I should do, and I was told to try and resubmit the app and I did so. It's been downloaded and today I got a username and passkey to check my app status. However, before I got all this I also sent them an email explaining why my application was late just so they'd put it on my file and know what happened. They sent me an automatic email saying they were swamped and thanked me for my interest in Brown.
What I want to know is that even though it was an automatic email did they still add the email I sent them to my file?
If the answer is no will it be detrimental to my application evaluation?
Should I send the same email again so that they do add it to my file?</p>

<p>The thing about email is, somebody has to log in, scan the subject headers, click on it, read it, and print it. They probably won’t add it to your file. They probably couldn’t care less, as evidenced by their response to your phone call. Sending another email message repeating the same thing you’ve said by phone and email would be a waste of your time and theirs. Your application is in, and the submission date will not be a part of what the committee considers.</p>

<p>So now you can transfer your nervous energy to waiting for the decision. :D</p>

<p>Thanks, but on the check my status for Brown they list the dates they recieved all of my applications, payment, scores, etc., and when I checked my online status it shows that they recieved my application Jan 13, so won’t they see this and know it was late? I’m really sorry if I seem so nervous, I’m just a worrywart I know…</p>

<p>Of course you’re nervous; you’re taking a very big step in your life, and you’ve bought into the CC mentality that you will be a total failure and live in a cardboard box under a bridge if you don’t get into the super-selective, super-pricey college you’ve applied to. First off, that’s not so. CC is not the real world, and the real world offers many more options. And back to your question, they’re not going to penalize you for your submission date. They want your application. They want every application they can get. Whether they admit you or not, they want your application and will consider it seriously.</p>

<p>Repeat these two (uh, three) facts to yourself as necessary.

  1. If they don’t admit you, it’s their loss. There are many, many colleges where you can get a fabulous education and be wildly happy. On the other hand, there’s only one you. The odds are in your favor. :slight_smile:
  2. Your status report is not what they look at; your application is.
  3. The reviewers don’t care when you submitted it. They don’t care when you submitted it. Their job is to review your application, and they will do it.</p>

<p>Really. It’s ok! They don’t care when they received your application; if they’re looking at it, as far as they’re concerned, they received it on time. That’s all that matters. On the other hand, multiple contacts about this minor detail (when they’ve already told you that it’s ok, and that they’re too busy to respond personally) just might tag you as a high-maintenance neurotic type who’ll pester them non-stop for the next four years. You’ve done your job; now it’s time to let them do theirs. If you must be a worrywart, it’s time to find something else to worry about! ;)</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>You bet. Oh, and in case I haven’t said it to you yet… Good luck!</p>

<p>The thing I always think when I read these types of threads is: If I were a college admissions committee, I would automatically reject everybody who submitted their application late because not submitting late after months of time to do so seems so easy to me, and when I make rules I intend that they be followed. But that’s just me; I’m sure that admissions committees have members with different views from me and from each other. I’m also sure that most colleges want variation in the types of students that attend, so they want some kids at their school who can meet deadlines but also kids who can’t meet deadlines, some kids at their school who procrastinate as much as possible and some who don’t.</p>

<p>So I don’t think it really matters whether your excuse gets considered or not. Since your app is downloaded, you’re fine.</p>