So, did you go to Hampshire?

I'm a Hampshire grad myself. I know it's YEARS after the fact, but I was just poking around on here, and wondered if you went CU or Camp Hamp? Hope you had a GREAT experience, wherever you ended up. And kinderny is TOTALLY right -- if you tried Hampshire and it didn't work for you, it's VERY hard to switch schools. I applied to Reed College in Portland, OR as a transfer student when I was halfway through Hampshire, and although they accepted me, nothing but the few 5 college classes I'd taken during my first two years at Hampshire even transferred over. However, what I did learn is that although Reed admissions office will read your Hampshire class evaluations, it won't consider them as part of your transfer application. Hypocritical if you ask me, since Reed does evaluations also (as well as letter grades), but whatever. I don't make the pedagogy, I just wanted to stay in Portland and finish my degree out West.

NONE of my Hampshire classes did transfer over (just Amherst, Smith & UMass). So, even though I'd completed about 17 classes in my first two years, only about 7 classes transferred, so Reed was going to make me take my second yeat over again.......UGH! Plus, Reed gave me a crap financial aid package as a transfer. However, Hampshire gave me a LOT of $$$$ and a nice package for my final two years to come back East and finish my degree. Still, I loved Hampshire, and even though I got kind of sick of the insularity of the campus after two years (why I was on leave and living out West in Portland), I still came back and finished my degree at Hampshire. If Reed had given me a better financial aid package, I would have transferred. However, if Hampshire realizes they're going to lose you to another school (especially a direct competitor like Reed), they REALLY step up with the financial aid.