So far financially it looks like Waynesburg vs. ESU

As I remember it, the extra fee at York College was for any course in the nursing dept, including both clinicals and classroom classes. It would not apply to electives. That type of fee is common at many colleges, but is often hidden in the fine print.

I was able to plan ahead and give my daughter my old car when I was buying a new used car. There is a huge price difference between trade-in value and retail value, so it best to hand down a car to a kid when feasible. In that case, you also know that it was properly maintained. Fortunately, the hand-me down car didn’t die until one month after she was gainfully employed.

If you are concerned about fairness, you might treat the car as a loan, with the payment not required to paid until after she is working. You would probably keep the car in your own name anyway to save on auto insurance.

Thanks @charlieschm I should probably try to find out for sure as $127 per credit can add up. ESU has a clinicals feel (flat fee) per semester of clinicals and I didn’t see anything about differentials.

For everyone’s else’s benefit, here’s some of the extra nursing fees for ESU. For each college, people should search for this info, because it can harm a tight budget.

Fortunately, ESU charges the same tuition for 12 to 18 credits per semester. Some state universities in PA are charging extra if you take more than 12 credits a semester (vs. the regular full time course load is 15 credits).

Thanks @Charliesch - that is definitely where I saw the clinical differential for ESU.