So I read my SAR report and looked at my EFC...

<p>My EFC was 01461, which is good? I applied to the UC's.... how generous are they in terms of financial aid?</p>

<p>That’s a pretty low EFC, which will get you a Pell Grant, subsidized Stafford loan, and likely a Cal Grant (some other requirements there).</p>

<p>UC’s usually don’t meet full need, but sometimes some of them do. Typical full cost of attendance is around 22K (check with each school for their estimated COA), so your “need” is the COA less the EFC.</p>

<p>As a general guess (based on our experience with a UC) you might expect about 4K Pell Grant, 6K Cal Grant, 4K University Grant, 4K Stafford Loan, 2K work study, and maybe a couple K “gap” in unmet need. Expect considerable differences between the UC’s, though.</p>

<p>Thank you sblake7 for the quick response.</p>