So I was checking out COD

<p>This wans't my first time browsing through the Course Offering Directory but this time I wanted to really focus on what classes I want to take next year (is it too early for that?) As a pre-comm, I got the list of prereqs from the Comm school website. Ok, I just need someone to clarify this to me...On the comm website, it suggests taking Comm 180 during the 1st year but when reading the COD, I noticed it says on the bottom: Restricted to: Second Year
Restricted to: Engr Business. Same thing for the other two class Comm 201 and 202 which are accounting. It kind of suprises me that as a pre-comm I cant take any of the comm classes until second year. I have been studying accounting extensively for the past 3 yrs so I was hoping to start on it right away so I have all the fresh memory. Is it possible to take those classes in reality as a first it even smart to do that? </p>

<p>On a totally different note, I want to minor in Psych so I have been looking at the psych classes...any recommendations where to start? I took the AP Psych test so I wont have to take 101. </p>

<p>Sweet. Thanks!</p>

<p>I recall two good friends of mine taking Comm 180 in first year, but I believe that they took it in the spring semester. Many class restrictions are placed for classes that are required for certain majors/minors. According to the current semester's (Spring '07) COD, all of those classes you mentioned are restricted to first years, second years, engineering business minors, and the online waitlist (your best friend and worst enemy). You can still take those Comm classes in your first year but not first semester. </p>

<p>For psych, I suggest Intro to Cognition, Intro to Child Psych, and Intro to Personality Psych.</p>

<p>Thanks Malex. I have heard Comm 180 is pretty bad and makes many not wanna apply for the Comm school. Do you recall your friends mentioning anything about it?</p>

<p>BGJeez, no worries, the majority of students who take Comm180 are first years. The restriction is placed on the class right now to allow second years to have first priority to take the class. This is because, as second years, if they haven't taken the class yet, they must take it this year to get into the comm school.</p>

<p>The restriction will be lifted in time for first year registration. Considering your past, I would contact the comm school and ask if you can have permission to take 201/202 as a first year. I bet they'd allow it. On a side note, if you've been studying accounting for 3 years in any kind of depth, you should dominate 180 and probably 201 and 202 with ease.</p>

<p>Granted my friends were not pre-Comm, they found the class to be all right. They joked about the lab work a couple of times though.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! bigdirs, in situations like that who do I contact? The accounting professor? </p>

<p>So, after some time spending on COD and I have come up with this list of possible classes:
*Econ 201
*math 121 (I am an IB student who is taking Math SL because they didnt let me skip a year ahead in math when I came to the I am bound to take math in it appears, 121 covers pretty much the same material in IB math Sl so I think it will be an easy class plus it takes care of the Comm prereq. :)
*Psych 220
Phil 100 THis sounds sooo interesting
I wanna take something in women's studies because I am hardcore feminist, something from the slavic dept..because I am one :D and just so much fun stuff!!!! I can't wait!</p>