So I watched Grey's Anatomy season finale.



<p>jealous much? jealous of your lack of fan girls he is not. (that was way awkwardly worded)</p>

im not sure if glee has a dvd, it may have a season one idk. Jealous? me? hmmm i think not. lol</p>

<p>not jealous!? these lies! lol</p>

<p>The first 13 episodes are on DVD, I think.</p>


<p>Okay, well maybe i’m not fan girl enough to bluntly approach him and cling to him on first meet. But I am fan girl enough to spend the night after a couple of late office hour visits. xD</p>

<p>haha i can’t stand the clingy type of fan girl lol Ex. omg jobro#2!!! sqeee</p>

<p>rofl anybody thats clingy is annoying. id definently just play it cool. even if you are dying to just bear hug the guy and leap into his arms. xD</p>

<p>i would be so creeped out if anyone did that even NEAR me lol</p>

<p>Unless he/she was smoking hot, me too.</p>

<p>lol. are you guys bold enough to steal a kiss and run away if you saw your favorite guy from grey anatomy?</p>

<p>No, that’s creepy.</p>

<p>haha. the most bold thing i would do is ask for an autograph and picture.</p>

<p>I’d just stare and drool from a distance.</p>

<p>lol. like sometimes if a see a cute guy at the bookstore ill kinda “stalk” lol. try to go over to where they are. get their attention. but i usually give up. xD</p>

<p>Wal-Mart for me. But this guy actually talked to me first one time. IDK if he was being friendly or what.</p>

<p>Awwwws thats sweet. What are you doing for summer?</p>

<p>Looking for work. I guess if I run into him again in Wal-Mart I could talk to him.</p>

<p>i haven’t been to walmart in forever.</p>

<p>do all threads eventually evolve into a hi0jacking of sorts? b/c threads always(most) travel away from the OQ</p>

<p>Somewhat. Think I should approach him or let him talk to me again? Cause I’m a little socially backwards when it comes to guys and flirting.</p>