So, I'm a sophomore and I'm planning on doing the IB Diploma. Starting next year, IB

<p>Last year, I took IB Prep Biology and got pretty good grades and I'm currently in Chemistry and am doing really well in it; So I have a base for both Bio and Chem.</p>

<p>IB Chemistry HL is known for being very hard at my school, and a lot of people say to do Biology instead.</p>

<p>If anyone would like to give me any advice on which class to take, that'd be really helpful.</p>

<p>Do what you love, don’t choose something based on what “everyone has told you”. If you’re good in Chemistry, do you really want to take the risk of not being good in Bio? Don’t be put off by difficulty: look at it as a challenge that you will overcome! Best of luck</p>

<p>If you took the IB prep classes, then the actual IB course should be fine. If you did not do well in the IB prep classes, then I would advise not doing IB classes in those subjects. But since you are doing well, I’d say go for it. Chemistry is an easier class, but I hear your math level does help. Keep your math level in mind when choosing the course. I’d say either one honestly, but Chemistry is known to be a bit easier. </p>

<p>Oh. I already signed up for IB Biology. Since I’m also thinking of taking IB Physics SL senior year (which is also one of the hardest IB classes at my school), I didn’t want to deal with doing 2 very hard science classes at the same time, and since they’re both conceptual and stuff…idk.</p>

<p>If you already signed up for it, then go for it! For me at least, I hated Biology and loved Chemistry. If you like biology or have an interest in it, then take Biology. It all comes down to your subject preference. Just remember that Biology is a lot more memorization and Chemistry is known to be more computation. Hope this helps :slight_smile: </p>