So I'm at the ugli...

<p>So I had a Honors Calc I 185 midterm today
It was supposed to be from 7:30-9PM in East Hall
We get there . . . go into the auditorium, get our tests and everyone finished in 20 minutes! It was like the easiest thing ever . . . i was in shock</p>

<p>Your work load here at umich complete is dependent on which classes you take. If you are in Organic Chem, or Chem 130, or any chem you are going to have more hw because you have a chem lab that doesn't add up in credit hours, thus you are working harder than you originally intended (16 hours suddenly turns into 18). It also very much depends on when you do your work, I started my Spanish journals the other day at 10 pm and was at the ugli till 5am when they kicked me out, but that is because I didn't do them in intervolves. You pick your poison here just like anywhere else, here it’s just everyone picks some harsh poison because we are all so competitive and intelligent.</p>


<p>it really isn't that bad and it's entirely what you make of it. if you manage your time well you can easily do really well and have a lot of fun. The language requirement is killing me, but some of my classes are great. In my freshman seminar I take like 5 pages of notes a day and don't even realize it because it's so interesting. </p>

<p>applicants: don't be scared off by this thread. It's great here. Absolutely amaizeing. You can definetly have a ton of fun and do well at one of the best schools in the world. and we have the football (and hockey).</p>

<p>If you place really high in spanish but don't place out, can you still take an introductory spanish course?</p>

<p>I really want to reduce my spanish load at umich if I go there. OMG sauce</p>

<p>epsilon, you can't. if you take a placement test you (almost always) have to take what you place into or start over in another language.</p>

<p>All of my classes are interesting and in general, I don't mind the work but it does become a bit overwhelming when you have three exams in a week.</p>

<p>I agree with the workload is what you make of it. Get stuff out of the way. I've been working hard, but have plenty of chill time. I placed out of Spanish...thank goodness. Looks pretty tough here.</p>

<p>3:30 AM Saturday. Very excitedly about to start studying!</p>

<p>what classes are you taking CCRunner?</p>

<p>It was a Saturday morning, okay? And I actually kind of enjoy studying...</p>

<p>Saturday morning...Friday night...pretty much the same deal. What classes are you taking?</p>

<p>2AM on a Saturday night, wrapping up one problem set and either cranking out a lot of problem set b or putting finishing touches on problem set c.</p>

<p>Math 295, Polsci 306, Polsci 317, Polsci 391, and Eng 483, which might sound impressive,'s just not. I'm not exactly going outside my comfort zone. And intro classes are more boring, thus I'm not nearly as motivated in them. So this is easier for me than taking a bunch of 101 stuff, I've discovered.</p>

<p>2 AM and studying Polsci 306. I'm not going to bed till I'm finished.</p>

<p>2 AM orgo studying!!! Test on tuesday.</p>

<p>Well I was at home this weekend, so I couldn't go partying; thus, I study.</p>