<p>My friend (the only one I've made at my current U) is just as unhappy as I am. I'm trying to help him through the process. The thing is he has a lower GPA than I do. As he stands right now with 13 credit hours he has a 2.7 GPA. Yea, it was a rough semester. Since I don't know if we would be looking at the same "tier" of schools that I am, I really don't know how to help him. I told him I would give cc a shot but I'm not sure how much experience you guys have with this kind of stuff. Anyways, in many respects we are very similar,
-Likes sports (not to the obsessive extent I do though)
-Not all about prestige (Probably good)
-Can afford an OOS Tuition of 20,000 ish
-Resident of Illinois
He also has 1 "W" I think.
If you guys could can you give some Safety Match and Reach I'm sure he would appreciate it. Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Oh yea, he wants to major in business. Wants to stay away from Big Ten for some reason.</p>
<p>ummm…ill assume that your “friend” is actually your friend and not, um, you</p>
<p>what school does your friend currently go to? what are your friends ecs? what are your friends hs stats? what year is your “friend”?</p>
<p>Really? I have other posts about my transfer situation…this one is different. Anyways.
My friend at my university goes to St. Xavier University, like me, small arts college in Chicago. With 13 credit hours…freshman. High school I have no idea but lets assume the worst I think he could manage like a 3.0 and a 26 or so. Sound fair? EC’s I have no idea we are both in University Band so I know he has that.</p>