<p>Hi! So the first semester of my senior year just ended and I'm so scared about my mid-year grades.</p>
<p>I got my first C ever...in AP Calculus. :/ It's really upsetting, seeing as I got B's for both quarters and worked so hard and now I'm really scared that this will affect me in a horrible way. </p>
<p>I'm going to major in Journalism and I applied to the following schools:
-Boston U
-Emerson College
<p>I'm usually a really good student and I'm currently taking 9 different classes, 5 of which are AP classes and I got A's in everything else. However, I'm VERY worried that this C may have totally demolished my chances at these schools. :/ It also dropped my GPA down about .1. :/ </p>
<p>I guess my question is: How much do you think this C will affect my admission chances? </p>
<p>I know that there's nothing to do about it, but I can't help but be filled with regret. ]:</p>
<p>Not sure journalism adcoms will care a lot about Calculus… unless you plan to major in a very narrow area of journalism devoted to points on a curve.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure the admissions offices of the aforementioned schools won’t gather around your application, look at your C in Calc, then proceed to laugh at it and wizz on it. The low grade in your math class won’t really hurt your chances as a aspiring Journalist. Try to get it up to a B/B+. And your lowered GPA would hurt you the way any lowered GPA would. That tenth of a point probably won’t be a line between your acceptance/rejection, but it very well could be.</p>
<p>Also, good luck in your hopes and aspirations of admission into Northwestern Journalism. Their program is absolutely amazing.</p>
<p>DunninLA: lol! :] That definitely made me feel better. Thank you.
<p>CalvinTBOD: Thank you! I know that it definitely won’t help me, but I’m hoping very much that it won’t hurt me too much. And I know! Northwestern’s journalism program is so amazing. I hope I can make it…</p>
<p>Thanks again for helping me out with this! [:</p>