<p>I'm talking about the 7 days you first move into the dorm/apartments. I know some of you will begin classes but other will have a week of activities to do. </p>
<p>I'll start.
About 6 members of my family will be traveling with me on a 1 hour and 20 minutes roadtrip. My stuffs will be in one truck and some other people will be in another car. Basically we will arrive there. Other car go park somewhere far off. And the truck will wait in line while I "check in" and then we will bring everything in. I'm expecting to meet my roommate when I arrive since he have an earlier time but I don't expect him to be there. Since he would probably still be with his parent (that's another story). I'm expecting my family to go somewhere to eat in the town afterward and then they'll drop me back off at night and my grandpa will take his truck home but my mom and others will spend the night; my guess is they will see me the next morning for breakfast or something.
I'm expecting a simple small mario kart 64 party on the night I move in with around 7 other people in one crampy dorm room. And we will look for food after playing the game. The next night is the start of the actual event at my school so I imagine just sitting around all day organizing my room before the start. I honestly don't know what to except for those 4 days but I'm sure it will be quite entertaining and then we will actually be "on our own" after those four days. I haven't planned that far yet but I'm sure something will come up.</p>
<p>What about you guys and gals?</p>
<p>You are living in a fantasy land if you think that happens at college. :P</p>
<p>I had my freshman year last year and basically what happened was for the first week we just got settled in and did our on-campus activities that were set up by the University for the first weekend, along with some academic meetings with some important people in campus, then the following Monday was when classes started.</p>
<p>But yeah, no one has Mario 64 parties at college. :P</p>
<p>Well at my college, we move in on a Thursday and classes start the following Monday. I think I’ll just be doing some activities set up by the university and getting to know some people in my hall the first four days. Then after that I’ll just be going to classes as well as continue to do activities for Welcome Week at the school :)</p>
<p>This is so cute. Don’t listen to DeutschArtz. There are Mario Kart parties. Smash Bros. parties, too!</p>
<p>Hmm…how will my first week be?</p>
<p>It’ll all start off by me hyperventilating because I’ll be driving alone to my university. I’ll be driving behind two cars, but still I’ll be alone. Who am I going to talk to?? We’ll arrive and park. We’ll check in my sister first and then me. Most likely move her in first. The next 8 hours will involve frustrations, angers, feelings of abandonment among other feelings…We’ll say our goodbyes and then I’d hop off to the common area to see who else is out and about. We will perform some university rituals in the wee hours if the morning. Wake up. Go off to a major program with my floor mates…I’ll say goodbye to my mom tht Monday night. Lots of tears and I love you’d later and I’ll be officially alone. Well…not that alone. I have my sister…but I’ll be alone. Rise repeat for the next few days and then…I don’t know…</p>
<p>@Niquii77 - Just blast music the whole drive, lol. Keeps your mind off things.</p>
<p>It’s a party organized by a friend of mine. It’s not like we’re not allow to have a small party lmao.</p>
<p>Kegs and scantily clad women.</p>
<p>^^I wish my son’s first week college plans included a raging game of Mario Kart but I fear it’s closer to this.</p>
<p>I’m not a Freshmen BUT this will be my first time away from home. So I honestly don’t know what to expect. My mom will probably drive me to school with another car driving behind us… Then I’ll finally find out who my roommate is, and I’ll get my room organized. And I’m not sure what’ll happen after that.</p>
<p>I don’t even remember my first week at college. </p>
<p>Even my grad school friends have Mario parties. Life would be boring without Mario :(</p>
<p>From what I remember, the first few days consisted of doing university-sponsored events during the day, then going and socializing in the evening/night.</p>
<p>For my college, you’re completely right. It was Mario Kart Wii parties.
Sure enough, we had a few suites on our floor hosting various video game parties throughout the year, particularly that first week. Good times.</p>
<p>Syllabus week. Yyyeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhh. One of the many party holidays at our fine institution.</p>
<p>I don’t have much stuff and we have a van so it’ll likely be one vehicle. We’ll take the normal route so it’ll be a two hour drive and we’ll stop by the Wawa halfway point. Yay for properly placed gas stations. I’ll yell at my mom that we’re gonna be later than I want to be. We’ll get to town, almost get lost, then finally find our way to the road behind my dorm building. I’ll probably have to run in and check in and they’ll start unloading the car probably immediately (they’ll likely be trying to break the 50 cars in 50 minutes record). We’ll try to get things up to my room. I hopefully won’t hurt myself. We’ll see if my roomie’s loft is in the correct place (I really hope it is). Then if my roomie is there, we can start rearranging things to how they should be. </p>
<p>After that, I don’t know much. I have the Honors program stuff for a few days. Sometime in there, I have to go do training for my work study. Plus a required movie night at some point. And a business dress dinner at another.</p>
<p>Then on Thursday, the rest of the first-years move in. And we begin New Lancer Days. Four days of having everything planned out for us. Yippee. But it’s a hypnotist and presentations and a movie one night and it seems fun.</p>
<p>Gonna be legit. My first day of classes–a Tuesday–has pretty much nothing until 4:30. Also we’re doing brunch in my dorm first Sunday.</p>
<p>It’ll be interesting.</p>
<p>I move in on a Saturday, and because I’m in a quad we’ll move in at 8 in the morning. Mercifully, the college moved up the schedule a day because 9/1 is famous in Boston as 80% of apartment leases turn over. Even still, there’ll be thousands of college students.</p>
<p>Fortunately, I only live 30 minutes away on a good day. But it’ll be all 4 of us and a Toyota Sienna, and my mother claims that anything that doesn’t fit in the back of it doesn’t go. Of course, if we had less people in our car, there would be more room. But my whole family is going…</p>
<p>Meanwhile, Sunday through Thursday is a whirlwind orientation. I expect lots of trips around the city, quality roomie bonding team, at least one viewing of Mean Girls, and maybe a tinge of homesickness. Unfortunately, Pretty Little Liars will be over by then and there won’t be a mob in the common room on Tuesday night.</p>
<p>Then i’ll laugh at everyone because classes start on Friday and I only have a 50 minute lecture at 10AM.</p>
<p>And then i’ll cry because the lab is from 1:30 to 4:30.</p>
<p>When I was a freshman last year I got there, met my roommate, attended some orientation events, attend my school of business’s events, and a pep rally.</p>
<p>The rest was pretty much like that but the nights were filled with alcohol and parties.</p>
<p>I’m a sophomore and last year I lived in the dorms. We pretty much moved in, had campus activities, and cried ourselves to sleep. No biggie!!</p>
<p>I move in Sunday and have job training Monday and Tuesday. I’ll probably miss most of the freshman events, which sucks cause I love free t shirts
Wednesday will be my first day free before classes start on Thursday but I don’t think there are any events going on that day…</p>
<p>On the bright side, Gavin DeGraw is playing for us Tuesday night and I’m 99% sure I’ll be able to go :)</p>