So... we're only a month away!

<p>How is everyone doing? Where are you applying, and what do you think your chances are?</p>


<p>Well, okay, actually. It’s just nice to know that we’re done and we’ve more or less done everything possible. In terms of where my chances are…</p>


<p>A month is going by so slowly, although I’m pretty busy everyday.
I should be doing the tons of homework I have right now, :O</p>

<p>I’m just chilling out… My weekends consist of: volleyball club practice, play rehearsal, writing, reading, knitting, and BIRTHDAYS :smiley: We have like 20 ppl in my family and friends, including me, who have birthdays in february.</p>

<p>In terms of chances?

  1. NMH
  2. Choate
  3. Andover
  4. Exeter</p>

<p>In terms of choice?

  1. Choate (cause I love the school)
  2. Exeter
  3. Andover
  4. NMH (but not cause I don’t like the school)</p>

<p>I’m applying to Milton and Tabor.
Tabor is a safety school for me, but hopefully I will get into Milton as well.
Thank God February is a short month. Its going by pretty fast though. I’ve been keeping busy with friends and school stuff.</p>

<p>Chances in order from best to worse</p>

<p>St. Pauls School
Deerfield Academy



<p>although the chances for all of them are pretty low in my opinion…</p>




<p>cuz i wasnt rushing (jan 15 deadling) for andover as i was for exeter and sps, i think i did a stronger essay, not to mention that i finished andovers essay even before the xmas break…
but in terms of interview i think my exeter’s one was the best…
i was gonna have my andover interview last, but there wasnt an available time slot for andover after my interviews, so i had to settle for it being the first… i was stammering and stuff… didnt even say much!</p>

<p>i’m applying to milton, groton, hotchkiss, deerfield, sps, exeter, andover, choate, and an awesome day school in my state. </p>

<p>so, i think my chances are like this:</p>

<p>day school in my state</p>

<p>exeter (my best interview+essays)
hotchkiss (i had an awesome interview there)
milton </p>

choate (awesome essay, i couldn’t really connect with the interviewer, so that was probably a minus for me)</p>

<p>deerfield </p>

<p>sps and groton (my interviews for both were epic fails… i wish i had scheduled these schools as last. though my essay for groton was pretty stellar).</p>

<p>i’m trying to not freak out over mar. 10…
i’ve done a pretty good job so far, my teachers are loading us w/ loads of projects, tests/quizzes, and homework…
oh, and balancing my ec’s+fencing (i just started) is pretty tough…i have enough stress!!!</p>

<p>Son applied to 4 schools. He currently goes to a good day school and will happily remain there if 3/10 doesn’t bring good news. The BS are a reach for him, but not impossible. We expect him to get into at least one. We’ll be pleasantly surprised if he gets into more than 2.
My feelings about his chances are based upon interviews and essays:</p>


<p>Exeter </p>

<p>Lawrenceville - ok interview; his worst essay when comparing all essays</p>

<p>SPS - bad interview; not his best essay</p>