<p>I've take VERY challenging courses, having never taken a standard course, and I've taken all the APs in my school I could other then spanish, which I did honors..... I have a clear and obvious strength in science, having gotten A's in AP Bio, Ap Physics and AP Chem.... something nobody else in my school has taken (I took 2 sciences sophomore and senior year)... Also, I've taken 5 years of AP level math... where I ran B's in every year except sophomore (C... bad teacher, bad year....) I attend an extremely competitive public high school in new england.</p>
<p>Assuming my recs and essays are good.... </p>
<p>I have 4 years on a varsity sport, I tutor 3rd graders in math, I had an impressive job title over the summer of my sophomore year, from which I'm recieving an absolutey stunning letter and I run a fairly succesful business over ebay.....</p>
<p>So what do you guys think my chances are? Which program should I apply to?</p>
<p>I think youve got a decent shot. I had a slightly better GPA and a perfect SAT score, but I don't think GPA really matters all that much if you're taking the most challenging courses. If you really want to go to NU, don't spend your time worrying about whether you'll get in because of your stats, work on your essay and make it seem like you have a compelling story and you'd be a good roommate and a diverse member of the student body. The scores are high enough that you won't be auto-rejected for your GPA.</p>
<p>PS: jrpar, as a parent, where do you get off telling people they don't have a good shot at a school? Seriously, you're an adult, get a ****ing life already, stop living through your kids.</p>
<p>Don’t worry about your biology score. I think you still have a good chance. If you’re worried, don’t send in your SAT and SAT ii’s because your ACT is obviously alot better. I know of plenty of people who have gotten into NW without sat ii’s. Also, I think your GPA shows a good upward trend.</p>
<p>I have a few questions:
First, how did you do in all the AP exams to date?
Second, if you did so well in sciences, what academic area brought down your GPA, and just how bad were your grades?
Third, how did you have 5 years of AP level math?
Fourth, how much time do you spend tutoring 3rd graders and what is the varsity sport? If it’s a one season sport, what are your time-consuming ECs the rest of the year?
You are obviously a strong test-taker, but this info will help assess your chances.</p>