So...which colleges do you would accept me?

<p>Senior in public HS</p>

<p>-Unweighted GPA: 3.72/4.0
-Weighted GPA: 4.38/4.72
-Rank: 91/839
-In the top 11% of my class
-Have been taking ALL honors classes and AP classes (by the time I will graduate, I will have 8-9 AP under my belt. I say 8-9 because there is AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics).
-Involved in 4 extracurriculars: (as of end of senior year)
-synchronized swimming 4 years
-best buddies 1 years
-Model UN 2 years
-club for social change 3 years
-On Dean's List and Honor Roll all years in H.S. so far
-National Merit Commended Student (204 on PSAT)
-AP Scholar
-State Scholar
-Volunteered at the library this summer, book fair...
-ACT: 33
-SAT: 1st time: 2090, 2nd time: 2070, so highest "combined" SAT is 2140
verbal: 670 and 640
math: 740 and 700
writing: 680 and 730
-SAT IIs: Math I-770, Literature-710</p>

<p>-APs (so far, up to junior year): APUSH-4, Eng lit-5, gov't-5, psych-5</p>

<p>-Asian female, speak Russian, 1st gen immigrant</p>

<p>So I won't say where I applied, but I would like all of your opinions on what schools are of my "caliber"--like would accept me (aka match/low reach schools).</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins?</p>

<p>kak dela :P. What do you want to major in? What state are you in? ^ JHU fits your profile, but still a reach.
What country did you emigrate from?</p>

<p>Privet! I’m from Kazakhstan…I live in Illinois.</p>

<p>I’ll just take some wild guesses…I think you’ll get into Smith, Occidental and Grinnell and you have a good shot at Colby and Haverford.</p>