So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Got my second shot yesterday at 4 p.m. Really sore arm and a headache last night. At 10 this morning, the fever started, getting as high as 101.8. At 4 p.m. today, I finally took some Tylenol. I was surprised it took so long to develop fever. I was so disheartened to learn earlier this week that the immunosuppressant I take may make the vaccine less effective so I was happy, happy to see it did take.


DH got his second shot on Thursday. He had a slight HA and some chills that night but was otherwise ok. He had Moderna. I didnā€™t have any side effects other than a very mildly sore arm when I had either of my shots. I had Pfizer.

A friend, who just got her second Moderna shot Thursday, has spent the last 3 weeks caring for her daughter (a teacher) and her husband who both had Covid (daughter got it at school and brought it home). Friend was very careful in her house with masking and sanitizing and the family isolating, but thank heavens for even the one dose of Moderna- she didnā€™t get sick.


So far just a sore arm and mild headache. Got the 2nd jab of Moderna yesterday at 2:30.


And so far I have a sore arm, but nothing else. My shot was about 11:15 yesterday morning.


Glad to hear it thumper1! My headache disappeared after breakfast so it could have just been low blood sugar and not vaccination related.

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I have to confess that I thought Iā€™d feel more excited than I do. Granted, I have only had the first dose. But because we have unvaccinated folks in the house, I still canā€™t really relax. I am relieved that I will not get super sick from covid, but still worried I might transmit to others. One thing that is nice is not worrying about how/when/where Iā€™ll be vaccinated.

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I spoke too soon. Went to do some chores and errands with H and Iā€™m totally wiped and am now on the couch ready for a nap.

25 hours after his first shot of Moderna and younger S reports just a sore arm. He had covid 5+ months ago, but he never ran a fever. Just mono like fatigue, nasal congestion, and loss of smell for a few days. We know he had good antibodies at Xmas, after he spent a couple of hours unmasked in a car with an asymptomatic super spreader who infected 4 others.

H just reported a sore arm for a day after shot 1. I would have said only a sore arm for 2 days, but I had really weak workouts for most of the week. A colleague who got the first dose on Monday with me asked on Friday if this week was a struggle. Iā€™m glad I wasnā€™t the only one. Today was great though and Thursday was not bad. I never felt bad, just when I tried to do anything aerobic it just felt unusually hard.

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Our state is still only on category 1b, 75+ folks, healthcare and maybe will start other essential workers and teachers.

We donā€™t get enough vaccine to vaccinate the many, many family members who are caring for elders and even many of the 75+.

We got our appt for our 2nd vaccine while we were getting our 1st Pfizer shot at Kaiser, a HMO. We are scheduled for our 2nd shot next week, so to be extra cautious, I am scheduling medical appts Iā€™ve put off in and after mid-March so vaccine is as protective as possible.


S21 was volunteering at vaccine site today and they offered him a surplus. My other kids still not vaccinated and likely wonā€™t be for months. But Iā€™m thrilled that at least one of them is!


Wellā€¦itā€™s almost 36 hours after my second Moderna shot. My arm was very sore so I finally took some Tylenol. So far, no other side effects.


Spouse and I both have had tummy upset on Day 3 after Moderna. :tired_face:

I ended up on the couch all afternoon with a temp of 100.5. Just dosed with Tylenol and hoping to sleep. Iā€™m wiped.


You guys are scaring me! I just had dose one of Moderna this week - I felt kind of weak and unfocused the following day ā€“ nothing major, but low energy. Then the next day I slept in late, but when I woke up I felt super-energetic and ready for anything - so Iā€™m very happy so far. My biggest worry about dose #2 is just whether Iā€™ll be able to get it, though ā€“ it wasnā€™t scheduled at the time I got dose #1, they just said they would contact me within the next 2 weeks to schedule.

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Iā€™m much better today. Just a mild headache.


@calmom honestly donā€™t worry. Usually any side effects go away with in a day.

I feel fine this morning! And I slept very well last night. My arm doesnā€™t even hurt anymore


Got my second Moderna today, blizzard notwithstanding! Injected at around 3, itā€™s almost 6, and no side effects whatsoever yet.


Not even a sore arm! Thatā€™s terrific!!


After dashing through the snow in Brooklyn for my second Moderna shot yesterday, I slept a little later than usual and my arm is a tiny bit sore. I had a tiny headache when I woke up but that happens sometimes when the air is dry and I havenā€™t bothered to fill up cool-mist humidifier, and the headache was gone with my first cup of coffee. So relieved that I am completely vaccinated!


W and I had first Moderna shot on Saturday. W has only had a mildly sore arm. On Sunday I woke up with fever, chills, and heart palpitations (pounding). One of the meds I take for my heart problems is a beta blocker. Fortunately within an hour of taking morning dose of beta blocker, palpitations disappeared. The rest of day was spent resting, keeping warm, Tylenol, and watching a crummy Super bowl game. All symptoms disappeared by early evening. I feel fine today. One down, one more to go in 4 weeks.