So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Has anyone had their antibodies checked after receiving either vaccine?

My PCP gave me a referral to do so. Apparently not the standard Covid antibody test.
eta: in response to @lkg4answers

We saw a number of health care providers in our office this morning. Seems like those folks who had covid previously had the most significant side effects from the vaccine. Makes sense in terms of immune response.

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Still no significant side effects 26 hours post-second-Moderna.


My daughter and SIL received their first Moderna today. While I am not surprised, my daughter said her arm was killing her 4 hours post injection. She said she is struggling to move/lift it. My mother and daughter would be the two to have trouble; sometimes I think they expect something to happen, so it does!

Day 1 for Modernaā€“I was tired and went to bed early (8:30). Had a bit of a headache, but so mild it was hard to distinguish it from just being tired. Arm was mildly sore the next day. ( I wouldnā€™t have noticed, except SIL asked me if my arm hurt which made me think about itā€“and it did ache a bit but only if I lifted it above my head.)

SIL had no symptoms first day, but the second day had a very sore arm plus fatigue and a headache.

D2 had zero side effects from her second dose of Pfizer; D1 (Moderna vaccine) had chills and ran a 100.5Āŗ fever starting the evening after her second shot. Lasted about 24 hours and then it just disappeared. She called her reaction ā€œatypical.ā€


Got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine last Friday. No side effects other than a mildly sore arm (but no more sore than after getting the flu vaccine). Iā€™m scheduled for the second dose at the end of the month. Everything went smooth. Had to wait in a couple of short lines but was in and out in an hour (including the 15 minute wait period after getting the shot).


80 year old mother got the Moderna shot today. So far so good, no side effects.


Got my second Pfizer shot today. Iā€™m 6 hours post shot and am anxiously awaiting the side effects. With the first shot, I felt very tired on the third day. I also had some joint pain which lasted about 2 weeks, though that could have been because of the cold.


2nd vaccine Moderna last Saturday. Arm more sore this time, slight headache Sunday. 2 employees same as me, 2 others knocked flat Sunday with low fever, chills, headache, fatigue. All better by Monday.


In CT, over 65 here. DH and I just got appointments for our first shot ā€“ on March 17. Of course I wish it were sooner, but I"m thrilled to have a time and place.


DH, a teacher, is getting his first tomorrow!


The Mega site Atlantic City opened up scheduling 3pm yesterday
15,000 doses ( at least 50,000 people ( or devices ) logged on,

I know someone who got an apt at 11:00pmā€¦with their number assigned,

It took 8 hours to book 15,000, at times the site paused, and the site very slowly posted remaining apts available,

And yet my son who teaches public school in the Bronx has still not been able to get his first shot. He had an appointment for his first which has been cancelled 3 times now.

I talked to my daughter today. She was offered a way to receive a vaccine circumventing the protocols.

She said no it wasnā€™t fair. If teachers canā€™t be vaccinated in my state, why do I think I should?


In Texas, you can register in any county to which you would be willing to go, and you can register in multiple counties. They do ask that you take yourself off any waiting list you are on after you receive your first vaccine.

There was a similar situation here in Texas where people were sharing links on NextDoor App and a lot of people got appointments who were not eligible. There was talk of cancelling all of those appointments, but I never heard the outcome.

I got my first vaccine today (Pfizer). Compared to some of the horror stories Iā€™ve heard about one of the big sites in Dallas, this was extremely well organized. It was run by one of the big healthcare companies (my email said they got my name off of a county waitlist I was on). When you arrive, you are directed to park at the back of the facility. You have received a text an hour before your appointment that tells you to text ā€œarrivedā€ when you get there. When I texted that, it texted me back to wait in my car until I received a text directing me to enter the building. I received the text with directions to tell the door attendant ā€œJohn Smith says I may enter.ā€ Lol, it reminded me of having to have a code word to get into a speakeasy in the days of Prohibition. But with this system, there is no way someone ineligible or without an appointment can enter, which has happened in Texas.

Inside was very organized, all personnel were employees of hospitals in this system, all people doing vaccinations were RNs. The post vaccine waiting area was staffed with a nurse practitioner.

Before I left, they made an appointment for my second shot. I was given printed materials related to the vaccination that would be very informative for lay people or those not possessing medical knowledge.

All in all, a seamless, stress-free experience. I was very impressed. This is the same healthcare system for which I worked as a nurse for many years. Glad to see this!


My DH got his vaccine today. He was given 40 minutes warning through his work to get there - 20 miles away. saw several people from his work that he hadnā€™t see for months - some who work for him. They talked work for quite awhile after their shots. (yes, with masks and distanced). He is in such a good mood.


Day 1 after first Pfizer vaccine: a very sore upper arm. Thatā€™s it, though.