So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Not the same 5 per cent? Nothing is 100%.
You aren’t guaranteed to not land in the hospital at any point with any vaccine. It’s all statistics. But the more people around you who’ve had the vaccine the safer you will be. And then there are the variants. We’ll be getting shots every year just like flu vaccines is my guess.

I don’t understand how what you are saying addresses vaccinated people being able to spread the virus, or not.

They are hopeful the MRNA shots will be longer lasting, but like anything else, time will tell - esp once variants are in play (as they are now, but even more).

Here is a fantastic interview with Dr. Fauci at UChicago that answers a lot of the questions above. Particularly towards the end of the interview. Really worth watching. Conversation with Dr. Anthony Fauci at UChicago | 2020 Harris Dean's Award - YouTube


Sorry, I’m still getting used to the new format on CC. I didn’t mean to tag you as if to debate you. It was more to follow up on what you were saying.

@HMom16. Could he have had Covid in the past, and no longer infectious? I was told I’ll probably test positive for about 3 months since the swab test is so accurate. But, supposedly no longer infectious after the 14 day isolation. Still wearing masks & distancing “just in case” of course.

I guess it’s possible…so much is unknown regarding the virus, the vaccines, etc.

My S and I have just marked two weeks since our second Pfizer vaccine! It will be two weeks for my W in 5 days. Our D had her first vaccination 3 days ago, so she still has a ways to go, but soon we will have all finished out 2 shots - Yaay.


My daughter and SIL had their second Moderna today, and my DIL will receive her first Pfizer tomorrow. Our immediate family is almost done!!


Great interview. I now also understand how the HIV meds work to prevent transmission.

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DH had his 1st Pfizer vaccine this afternoon. So far so good.


I had my second Pfizer vaccine 48 hours ago. Except for a sore arm, no reaction. Yay!!


DIL had the second Pfizer vaccine yesterday. Had painful swollen lump nodes under that arm and breast areas today. Some fatigue but that’s about it.


DH and I both had the J&J vaccine yesterday in Virginia. We could not get it in our county, but we were able to schedule about 65 miles away. It was worth the drive. We are not experiencing any side effects. (Yet?)


DS and I are both getting our first jab on Friday 3/12 (both eligible in our state due to multiple comorbidities). I think it is going to be Pfizer because the woman who I spoke with scheduled the follow up in three weeks after the first one. I’m not sure if I’m more worried about the vaccine, side effects, allergic reactions OR the fact that it is in a hospital in their big conference center with hundreds (about 750 is my understanding) of people going through there a day. Of course we will double mask, use face shields, wear gloves, wash/sanitize anything and everything, bring our own disposable pen for paperwork, leave the phones in the car. There are no outdoor sites within 150 miles in our state. We need a hospital anyway because I’ve had anaphylactic reactions to shots before. I’m trying to stay positive after reading this thread and am grateful to the OP for starting it because I’ve learned a lot from everyone here.



All 700 or so people won’t be there at the same time! These sites are moving people through pretty quickly in most cases. I don’t know about your hospital, but don’t assume there will be a crowd all huddled around while you are there.

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I honestly think hospitals NOW are one of the safest places to be. Most staff is fully vaccinated. Strict enforcement of masks and often still temperature checks. Daily cleaning of facilities before COVID was even a thing and more cleaning now. You’ll be fine!


Question for MA folks who got vaccinated at Gillette:

When I signed up my wife, I do not recall being asked to type in her insurance info. When you checked in, were you asked to show your insurance card? Seemed odd. I wouldn’t think I would have been allowed to continue if I had left a box blank. Thanks in advance.

I got first shot 2 days ago, at Gillette.
Had to show Driver’s License and copy of appointment Email.
Was not asked for insurance info.

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Thanks for your replay @twotoschool. If I may ask: did you receive J & J, or one of the two-dose vaccines? By the time W goes on Thursday, things may be very different, but doesn’t hurt to ask.