So....who has had a covid vaccine?

DH and I got Pfizer Number Two yesterday. I feel completely fine – sore arm, no big deal. I can tell the glands in my neck are swollen, but they don’t bother me. DH has – obviously an entire separate issue – an abcessed tooth and had root canal today, so he feels like crap. I’m really looking forward to seeing people again.


I guess your husband got all the bad stuff done today. Way to get feeling bad from the vaccine and the root canal over all at once. :grin:

My husband and I got our first dose today. Pfizer. We went to a Rite-Aid 40 miles from our house. They had everything set up really well, not a big line, easy to socially distance there. They let my husband and I go into the room together, so that was nice. Everyone was super friendly and very upbeat.

Found out that this Rite-aid is designed as a regional pharmacy in our area. So they are having people come from around the region. I found out that the Rite-aid in my town had received 200 doses of the J&J but that they had been given over the weekend. Makes me think that vaccine finder is lagging behind what vaccines are being shipped out.

The Rite-aid did not have a low temperature freezer nor were they borrowing storing vaccine at the local university. Instead the vaccine is being shipped in dry ice and being stored at the pharmacy in dry ice. The vaccine is being manufactured less than 2 hours from the site but I thought that information was interesting. The person giving the vaccine was a college student/ pharmacy intern.


That is some scary stuff. I am prone to vertigo as it is…


I know, right?

Sorry to hear you’re prone to vertigo. It’s miserable.

It took six months for the vertigo to stop completely after that flu shot and I haven’t had a vaccine (or the flu) since.

Trying to decide between signing myself up for a possible repeat of that or being treated like COVID (typhoid) Mary if I don’t get it. :thinking:

I’m in the last eligible group for my state so am going to monitor and talk to my doctor before deciding.

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That’s awful…I’m sorry to hear it lasted 6 months after the flu shot.

This is interesting. Women develop worse side effects to covid vaccines.

If you know what brand of flu shot you got, you may be able to find the ingredients and see if any of them have known issues for you, and whether they are also used in any of the COVID-19 vaccines (or other brands of flu shots).

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I met someone today who was fully vaccinated but, after exposure, tested positive for Covid. He had no symptoms and was only tested due to contact tracing. My understanding is that, had he not been notified of contact, it is likely that he could unwittingly spread the virus. :sneezing_face:

@GetCollege19 my sister got vertigo after taking sulfa antibiotics, and has had to be extremely careful not to trigger it ever since. She did not have any issues after the Moderna vaccine 10 days ago and I am not going to mention this now. Just reading that forum gave me the heebie jeebies about dizziness.


I got the Moderna today, I had had a vaccine scheduled 2-3 hours away and all of a sudden our area appeared to get a huge influx yesterday. I got a call from a local doctor and scheduled myself today, and my husband got scheduled through the Albertson’s family of stores. But now today, he got a cancellation email and none are available, so I am back to calling around for him.

Thanks for sharing. That gives me a pinch of comfort as it sounds like most started having issues within 10 days. Hopefully, holds true for your sister and she will be fine.

Yes, I noticed the forum has grown by 2 pages since yesterday :frowning:.

It’s very scary when it’s happening to you and you have no way of knowing when, or if, the vertigo will improve or stop. I feel so bad for those people.


H’s buddy was finally called yesterday for 2nd shot snd got his 2nd shot today. He’s high BMI, 75+ years old and I’m not sure all his medical issues. Relieved he got the shot and so far feels ok.


yes it is possible that a fully vaccinated person could have inadvertently spread the virus, or not. (They don’t know yet.)

not surprised. besides the obvious hormonal differences, what about body weight/size? Everyone receives teh same sized jab (liquid), but men are on average bigger and will therefore metabolize differently.

According to the CDC, A growing body of evidence suggests that fully vaccinated people are less likely to have asymptomatic infection and potentially less likely to transmit SARS-CoV-2 to others. However, further investigation is ongoing. Look at the third bullet point in the green box at the top.

isn’t’ that what I said, ‘they don’t know’, i.e., needs further research? (I listened in to a call with Fauci last week and he said that they are ‘hopeful’ the spread will be greatly reduced or ‘too small of a viral load’ to infect someone else, but they need more research to make a factual determination.)

Just yesterday I read Pfizer at least shows no transmission of virus from vaccinated person.

I saw that but didn’t read it. How is it then that 5% or so of people vaccinated with the Pfizer product can get covid (but not get a serious case) but can’t transmit the virus?

Maybe it has something to do with viral load? It will be very interesting to see what things we learn about all of this as time goes on.


Could be a viral load issue, but that’s tough to square with asymptomatic people being able to spread the virus. Regardless, I agree that we will be studying covid for years to come.