So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Of course, someone could change their name subsequent to getting the vaccine and getting the card filled in.

None of our cards (mine, H, younger S) had anything filled in except the the shot brand, lot #, and store/place of vaccination. It was up to us to fill in the top. Younger S and I went to the same clinic, but H went elsewhere.

After they were filled in, I took pics front and back and now they are filed with our passports.

Yes, subsequent name changes can of course occur. But
I prefer to at least start out with it correct. I do like the idea of the patient completing the name portion.

H has shot #2 the end of the month, at a county dept. of health rather than a pharmacy. Will be interested to see their procedure.

My sister is 2 weeks past shot #2 (Moderna). She has a very strong reaction to shot #2 - headache, fever, chills that lasted almost 48 hours. She also reports feeling fatigued with GI issues since then but she’s under a lot of stress for other reasons so can’t definitely say it’s related to the vaccine. H and I go for our second Pfizer shots tomorrow.


Not here. Names were filled in at the vaccine sites for the first shot.

They filled out my name on the card from my Driver’s License at CVS today. I’m happy to have joined the ranks of those with at least one shot here in PA. The lady giving the shots told me she’s seeing a lot of happiness.

It was all super quick and well run. I was able to wait my 15 minutes in the car in the parking lot rather than inside the store (H was with me) keeping it safer.

I asked H and the kids, “When do I get to start playing the sick card?” when I got home. I did get sick for a couple of days with both Shingrix shots, so it’s definitely possible, but for now, it’s fun to joke about.

The CDC vaccine card is for the patients’ records only., essentially a reminder. It was not designed with security in mind. It could be easily falsified or counterfeited.

I am pretty sure that there is no national data base of who has been vaccinated.

my 80 yr old dad had CV and decided not to get the vaccine. after lots of persuasion he took my 79 yr old mom in; he really liked seeing the national guard and all the people getting shots, and when he took my mom in for #2 yesterday, he decided to get one.

i was so thankful and pleased the site accepted him as a walk him. Had they said NO - you have to reserve a time online - i doubt he would have done that. :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart: I might sent a note of thanks to the county who is handling this, and for their discernment on this.


My parents and FIL, all over 80, managed to get their first shots this past week. The official rollout to the general population hasn’t started here yet so they were lucky to already get their shots. Mostly we are still working on frontline health care workers and elderly in congregate settings especially long term care homes. Official registration for the general public 80+ opens on Monday.


We walked into Petco for our first shot and they forgot to give me my card and I forgot to ask for it at the moment. I realized a couple of minutes later and went back, and they gave me two cards (I wasn’t sure if husband had gotten his) with the vaccine info filled in and the top blank. So I filled in my own name and DOB on one and used it for the second shot. Husband had gotten his so I have an extra card with 1st dose showing, no name.

I consider my official record to be the one in my health care system.

I am vaccinating at a local health department run clinic. The cards are for patient’s records. I tell them to update their primary health care provider.
We are recording the dose administration in VAMS - the CDC Vaccine Administration Management System. The preregistration demographic info is loaded there, vaccinators update the system with the Manufacturer, lot #, date of administration and location of injection.
I know a vaccinator in the neighboring county. They are using the same process.

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Where we are in CA we receive electronic vaccination record two weeks after the second dose. You can download it to your digital wallet

Where is that?


Was it from the state, the CDC, the pharmacy chain?

Mass vaccination site. The digital record was sent from Healthvana

State health department

It’s Petco Park in San Diego
not the pet supply place!


When it was first announced, I thought what, veterinarians are giving vaccines? My husband instantly knew it was Petco Park. The superstation is actually in a big “tailgate” parking lot a block or so away. It’s been announced that the site will close before the end of March. The Padres will need their parking back when the season starts! Currently they’re only giving scheduled second shots (UCSD Health, that is, not the Padres.)

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Are you in Canada?