So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Well…at least you are being flexible about where you go…and when!

I got Moderna last week and my arm is still sore!

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Son and DIL got vaccine! So happy! I had noticed (while trying to get my appointment) that their area was pretty light on takers (since everyone is young) and maybe they should look for leftovers from pharmacies. DIL actually made a spread sheet of who was giving vaccines and called them all. The LAST ONE had two doses left at end of day and they grabbed them.


I got the Moderna shot. My arm was fine until about five days later, when it started itching like crazy for two days.

My sister got the Moderna and 5 days later her arm swelled up like a grapefruit with big patch of red rash. Her doc said no more. She has to ok with just one. Maybe they will start to have recommendations for folks they could on,y take one.


Friend had the covid arm rash. It started about 8 days after her first shot. Cleared up in just over a week. She gets her second shot next week. Her doctor said that was fine. She is hoping for no rash…as it itched like crazy!


I’m still recovering from my strange skin inflammation that started on day 2 post second shot. Today is day 14. It stopped spreading and started fading, with little soreness left. There is still light to very light red skin everywhere it manifested. The only change is that a couple of days ago, some bumpiness developed under the skin in one spot. It’s definitely in that top layer of skin, perhaps some residual inflammation of fat cells? It’s been so mysterious but neither my doctor or the nurse practitioner seemed concerned. My doctor did ask me to report it to VAERS, so I did. They didn’t contact me so I guess they’re not concerned either.

My regular bruises do take a long time to fade, and this seems related to bruising in some way. If it still is lingering in a week, I’ll probably go see my dermatologist.


FYI…2 friends of mine had the rash after their Moderna vaccine - on their arm. Another friend had it show up on the leg. All of them wondered if it may be aggregated by sun exposure?

Marilyn, yes, I too have some red bumps and itching where I got the shot. Two nurses looked at it Friday and were nonplussed. I’m using a cream to help with the itching.

I haven’t had the regular Covid rash- the skin surface is smooth and it hardly itches. It’s more like a surface bruise that stayed red, spread, was sore to the touch, and is very slowly dissipating. And now lightly bumpy under, not on, the skin surface. It seems like as long as you don’t keel over, the medical community is ok with any skin symptoms.

Well so happy to post that DH and I just got the vaccine at mass vaccine site run by National Guard. Very efficient. Feel incredibly happy and grateful. No ill effects yet ( though only a few hours after vax) Now we can likely go and help daughter who is a COVID nurse move in June!


Marilyn which vaccine did you get?

Wife and I, along with every one we know in the Eastern MA/Rhode Island area received the Moderna vaccine.

Granted, I know we are not a huge sample size!!

Anyone out there from MA or RI who got something other than Moderna? Just very curious.

Moderna. Other than my skin, I had very little reaction to either dose.


In MA and all of my friends got Pfizer or J&J.

Thanks @am9799 , I was just curious. Just coincidental, I guess, that everybody in my circle, in two adjacent states all received Moderna. Now I know!

Moderna nearly 2 weeks ago, I still have a greenish bruise, that does not hurt, at the injection site, weird, as I don’t bruise much.
I got an itchy rash on my opposite shoulder, pretty much gone now though my lymph nodes in my jaw and neck on the shot side have not fully returned to normal, they are no longer very bothersome in their swelling.

I saw on Facebook that Potomac Mills Mall is giving vaccines to any 18+ resident of VA, DC or MD.

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I had a vaccination appointment for tomorrow but after a year of total self-isolation, visited my mother in the hospital. She had a cold and cough. Now I have a cold and not feeling well. This will be the 4th time I have had to cancel a vaccine. Ugh. (If I just had a runny nose I would still go but I have body aches, chills and fatigue)

My mother is on hospice, her facility just opened up for visits, and I would give anything to be vaccinated.


question: if you have not had CV, but have had the vaccine - and you give blood, and your donation shows antibodies ---- are the antibodies from the vaccine?