So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Where else would the antibodies come from? Unless you also had an asymptomatic case of Covid!

yes, we are wondering if DH was asymptomatic - or if antibodies are from vaccine. not finding much online about that.

Me, hubby, and son all got vaxxed yesterday. Feel a bit wiped out, but I don’t know if it’s the vaccine or just not sleeping great.

Funny story:
We got vaccinated in our son’s university town for a number of reasons. Son is there, and a lot more appointments available.

I found out on Friday that a friend from my town, a volunteer fire fighter, was administering vaccines at the site, which is three hours from us. So hubby and I thought cool, we’ll get vaccinated by our friend. Meanwhile, our son is eligible due to his job, so he signed up for yesterday morning too. Our appointments were afternoon. We never mentioned any of this to our son or our friend.

This is a big facility with at least 24 vaccine stations. Son turns up, recognizes the fire fighter T-shirt from our town and tells our friend he’s from same town. Friend looks at his name again and asks if his parents are us. So our friend vaccinated all three of us, which was pretty cool!


If blood donation was more than 2 weeks after the firs dose, one can assume the antibodies are from the vaccine, no real way to tel if there was an earlier asymptomatic infection at this point.

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DH got us first Pfizer shot this morning at a mass vaccination site (Soka University). It was drive through, well-organized and easy. CVS came to my work so it was interesting to compare.


per the CDC, maybe.


That’s funny, @Lindagaf. As I posted here before back in January, my dentist happened to be one of 48 volunteers giving shots when I got mine, and he saw me and gave it to me. Four weeks later, I saw him in the room, got my shot from another volunteer, and went over to say hello when I was done. This is all in Brooklyn, NY and both of us were far, far away from the neighborhoods where each of us live.


I hope your dentist didn’t try to give you the shot in your mouth.

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lol, no, he did a beautiful job injecting my upper arm, and he helped me take a selfie with him.


I like your mask, Oldmom


Lovely mask @oldmom4896 ! :slight_smile:

Yes, that mask is fabulous!!

Someone asked my husband if we’d had any side effects from the vaccine. He said that I had a little discussed but probably common side effect: Euphoria!


I feel so much lighter, happier and better just knowing I am on my way to being vaccinated. It’s like a cloud has been lifted


I am so happy! I had no hope of getting help from the vendor for the state mass vaccination sites, and tomorrow in MA appointments open up to more people. But I had a nice talk with someone who transferred me to someone else and I have a new appointment for Thursday. By then I think, and hope, my cold should be better.


There is a fourteen year old kid in the Chicago area who has worked with a small group of others to get 65+ vaccine appointments if they have trouble doing it. He also started a FB page which posts things like this for other people who qualify: “Walgreens just opened up appointments , go go go!” They are truly amazing people ( many young) who are doing this.


I have no trouble finding appointments. I have had to cancel 5! I even find them for other people. I was surprised though that a site run by the state, which is so overwhelmed, was able to find a spot.

Compmom. Are you in Illinois?

Massachusetts :slight_smile:

I received my first Pfizer dose yesterday. My arm is sore and I feel run down 
 and so, so happy to be on a path out of this mess.

My husband’s first dose is tomorrow. We are in NC, we signed up as soon as we knew we were eligible. Getting an appointment was not automatic but also wasn’t hard. We are both being vaccinated at a FEMA operated site in Greensboro. A portion of the slots are available online; those go quickly. Another portion are available only by phone.

Actually I signed my husband up first, feeling that my eligibility condition (over 25 BMI) didn’t really count, and that it was not appropriate for me to sign up. My husband disagreed vehemently, and medical professionals in the news are saying “it’s not up to you to decide if you’re eligible, just go get your shot”. Which, you know, is what I wanted to hear anyway.

This is the happiest I’ve ever been about having a sore arm and feeling run down.