<p>I got the email yesterday around five forty five pm inviting me to a series of accepted student days, along with the Diversity Hosting weekend April 11th - 13th.</p>
<p>Just wanted to get an idea of how many people on cc are planning on attending.</p>
<p>On another note, I'm still tentative in believing that this is some sort of early acceptance. It's surreal.</p>
<p>I want to… they’re paying for my flight!!! FLYIN IN STYLE</p>
<p>I already confessed my acceptance on facebook so no it’s a legit admittance</p>
<p>I think I’ll be there!
Congrats, fellow Cornellians!</p>
<p>Already signed up :)</p>
<p>I registered for the Engineering DHW. They’re booking my flight today! Can’t wait! I hope I meet some of you there… Not that I’ll actually know who you are lol.</p>
<p>@myraven11 Same! Hope to see you there as well! All the best!</p>
<p>You too, Pianostar!!</p>