So...who's ready? [Class 2013]

<p>Juniors who's ready for the PSAT and who things they are going to get NM?</p>

<p>…I’m not that ready, but I’m not exactly that far away from OK’s cutoff (I think my counselor said 209 this year?), either. AP English is definitely helping with the reading part and the writing part is easy to study for. And except for dumb mistakes, math is all good.</p>

<p>So I’ll say I’m doing pretty OK for where I am now…</p>

<p>Its 209? I thought it was 205 :frowning: ugh</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore, but I’m going to take it for practice. I’ve been taking SAT classes since the summer, and I’ve been scoring from around 1980-2100… I hope those scores will translate well into my PSAT scores. Last year in my state, the cutoff for national merit scholar was somewhere from 214-216.</p>

<p>Well, last year, it was…207. And it fluctuates between 206 and 210 every year. Unfortunately for us, the cutoff is around the “high” end this year for OK…according to my counselor anyways. I’m pretty confident that a 210 will guarantee semifinalist status for OK.</p>

<p><em>sigh</em> alright…210 is the goal then…</p>

<p>…do you guys not realize it varries by state? 206 is sufficient in some states but some require 215+</p>

<p>^Yes, I realize that. The 206-210 range I spoke of is for Oklahoma.</p>

<p>So I talked to some of my friends today, and apparently my state CHANGED THE CUTOFF TO 219. WHUT DA HECK!!?!?!?</p>

<p>Haha you guys have no reason to complain. I live in MD. Cutoff? 221.</p>


<p>^^^ Our state sucks dude</p>

<p>I live in MD too. I’m shooting for a 225+ this year. You Okies have absolutely nothing to complain about…</p>

<p>I got a 226 last year with only studying grammar the night before…hopefully it go up/stay the same this year</p>

<p>Lol wow I can’t believe I’m about to say this…but I’m glad I live in OKlahoma</p>

<p>219 last year for Washington. I’ve been getting 2200, so I’m PRAYING for a miracle.</p>

<p>Cut off is at 218 in my state, and last time i took an SAT (like last week), i got 2090. Im happy i got a freakin 150 point boost from last time, but how will i improve almost another hundred in exactly a month! also im pretty peeved that i only got 4 wrong in math, didn’t omit anything, and got a 690 -__- eugh. should i invest in this dr chungs?</p>

<p>ps silverturle’s guide said the cutoff for NY was 218…still true?? :)</p>

<p>I doubt it because it was written so long ago</p>