Who's ready for the PSAT on Wednesday?

<p>Just wanted to start this topic since the PSATS are this week. </p>

<p>So who's ready? What are you nervous about?</p>


<p>…not really. I’m pretty solid on Math and Writing, but CR is gonna kick my ass and throw me down a pit.</p>

<p>But I got dis. I’m gonna take two practice tests between now and the big day. So far I’m at about 208-214.</p>

<p>I should remind my brother that he’s taking that…</p>

<p>not me… I was just going to take this one to see what I needed to improve on before next years PSAT’s that count for national merit, but yesterday I decided I was going to apply to a prep school and so I need a good score now. long story short, I just took the practice PSAT in the packet they give you and all I can say is I suck. bad.</p>

<p>I’m taking it! Not sure how prepared I am though. I’m prepared for the ACT, and I know SAT has a few differences, but I figure it’s relatively similar, so I should be alright!
Would you agree?</p>

<p>Is it scored like the SAT (like out of 800 for each category)</p>

<p>It’s scored out of 80 for each category and the highest possible score is 240. It’s basically the SAT divided by 10 (and this makes it easy to predict your SAT score based on your PSAT score).</p>

<p>Mine’s on Saturday the 19th. I’m only a sophomore so it doesn’t count or qualify me for any scholarships, but I’ve already bought the Princeton Review book. Due to financial reasons, I need some sort of scholarship.</p>

<p>I heard that it helps predict your SAT score. Is that really true, and does that apply even if you’re first taking it your sophomore year?</p>



<p>My experience has been that it does, but your SAT score will probably be higher because you’ll be taking it later. With no studying, my final junior-year SAT score (January 2013) was 70 points higher than my junior-year PSAT score (October 2012) and 240 points higher than my sophomore-year PSAT score (October 2011).</p>

<p>I’m taking it as a sophomore for the first time. We’ve done some practice in my English Class, and I think I could pull of 190 or so.</p>

<p>LOL NO!!!
sophomore here.
highest score was a 194… i want to pull off at least a 200.</p>

<p>Sophomore here as well. I’m not nervous about taking the test, I’m just nervous about getting the score back and finding out that it’s horrible. My parents are going to kill me if it’s bad. It doesn’t help that I haven’t taken a single practice test yet either.</p>

<p>^ Same! I did SAT prep over the summer but I think I forgot most of what I learned lol. I’m a sophomore, so I have another shot at it next year, but I just really really really want close to an 80 on math and (maybe) writing. I’ve given up all hope on CR. :P</p>

<p>I heard that the curve is harder on the PSAT (since it’s not mandatory in some schools and a lot of “underachievers” don’t take it)…anybody know if this is true?</p>

<p>im hoping i get at least a 235! but as long as I qualify for NM SF I’m fine</p>

<p>I want a 240 so badly.
But I’m most likely not going to get it. :P</p>

<p>I feel like the vocab is going to kill me. Since I’m not a junior…how do you qualify for the National Merit? Is there a minimum score or something?</p>

<p>Junior here.</p>

<p>Last year I got a 181 with no prep whatsoever. This time around, I’ve looked through the Blue Book, silverturtle’s guide, and various practice tests, so hopefully I can significantly improve my score. Doubt I’ll be able to qualify for NMSF, though since that would require a 39+ point increase, which is highly unrealistic. </p>

<p>Feeling good about Math and Writing, but really nervous about CR. That was by far my lowest score when I took the PSAT in 2012, and I’m not sure how much I’ll improve from then.</p>

<p>I’m freaking nervous. I’m a junior and I kinda need to get NMSF for personal reasons (money and others) and that’s a pretty big jump (like 20 point jump) from last year’s 193. I always get perfect scores on math but I didn’t learn anything near proper English as a kid so the writing section and the vocab part of CR are gonna kick my ass.</p>


<p>Jk, CO14, never looking at that ish again.</p>

<p>I took an Excel Edge practice test and got a 237, so hopefully I’m good for NMSF in Indiana.</p>

<p>Hey, guys. If you’re worried about a big jump, don’t be nervous. I got a 176 sophomore year (eek!) and a 219 junior year. It’s possible. You guys can do it! Honestly, a calm mindset aid you much better than last minute cramming.</p>