So...would this be illegal (immature revenge on neighbors)?

<p>I can't stand my neighbors (apartment), they're constantly drunk - I mean constantly: not just the weekends, every single day. I'm being woken up, every single day, by them. They're either blasting music, banging on the wall, or having the world's loudest sex. I'm woken up by this nightly and go to class a zombie.</p>

<p>I'm used to living with loud drunks (was in a dorm for years.) but this is ridiculous, especially at their age.
The apartment managers refuse to do hope is to embarrass the neighbors into stopping.</p>

<p>One of my friends who stayed over heard the antics and she recorded the noises (the music, which then followed the irritating screams of some drunk girl having sex: I honestly don't know how that man could tolerate the howling of a chimp.) </p>

<p>She suggested putting it on YouTube, put their apt. number on it (but don't say exactly where the apartment is as...Hell, I live here too and am not into having weirdos find me. Or go to jail for weirdos finding them.)
And then slip the Youtube URL of the video under their door - and keeping making videos until they get the hint.</p>

<p>I've tried talking to them, I've talked to the managers. Nothing is being done and I can't move out until next winter.</p>

<p>The worst part is: I babysit for extra cash, the parents will come to pick their kids up (at normal times 1pm - 7pm, it's not like this is at 12am or something.) and hear these morons going at it loud through my walls and even louder in the shared hallways. Some of them have even stopped using me as a babysitter as a result.</p>

<p>So my question is:
a) Am I being that unreasonable?
b) Humiliating them into consideration...stupid? Any legal problems with that?</p>

<p>Nevermind, I’ve made the decision to just move out and deal with the credit and $9,000 fee repercussions. I can’t stand this.</p>