
<p>SATI: 690M 690V (same sitting) 720M 690V (separate sittings)
SATII: MathIIc 720, MathIc 680, Chemistry 690, Writing 630</p>

<p>GPA: 4.6
Rank 1/366 from California Distinguished Medical Magnet School</p>

<p>what are my chances at:
MIT, CalTech, IIT, Georgia Tech, Stanford, Cornell</p>

<p>bump? are u talkin to me</p>

<p>MIT - reach
CalTech - big reach (avg SAT score is 1510)
IIT - Safety
Georgia Teach - match
Stanford - reach
Cornell - match/slight reach</p>

caltech is crazy anyways, just applyin to see</p>

<p>if my sats were 1400+ do u think it would make a difference?</p>