<p>Hey guys, so I really wanna go to NYU, my number one, my dream school. I applied RD to CAS. Obv theres the chance of me not getting in and even if I do get in, I really dont wanna take out many loans I might just defer my acceptance for fall 2012.</p>
<p>Im really insecure about the whole making friends thing, Ive been to 4 different high schools and even though I do have some good friends I dont have a big group of close friends and such that we can all go out and party you get me?</p>
<p>Im just really sad about the things ill be missing out on as a freshman and the activities and how everyone's new and making friends and groups and etc.</p>
<p>So can anyone shed some light on the social life there as a transfer? Is it easy to make friends and join a social circle if you join clubs and dance troupes, etc? I know living there will def make it easier too.</p>
<p>I don’t know that you can defer your acceptance for a year and come in as a transfer like you can at Cornell. I know (at least in Stern) you may defer acceptance to the university for a whole year, but you enter the following academic year as a freshman just like everyone else in that year.</p>
<p>Make friends with freshmen</p>
<p>Hey, well, I’m in the same boat as you. 4 high schools and not very good at breaking the ice with people (once I get started, I’m fine, though). I’d also like to know how the social life is for a transfer.</p>
<p>that’s what college is for, starting over! don’t worry. if I was a student at nyu (or anywhere for that matter) and someone who transferred made a little effort to get to know me too, I’d definitely be friends with them. That’s one of the things I’m looking forward to most in college-getting rid of the cliques and starting over.
Good luck with everything!</p>
<p>The social life in general at this school is weird, so it is what you make of it. Being a transfer makes that no different, you simply don’t have the few friends from freshman year you actually liked enough to want to see again.</p>
<p>If you’re looking to escape cliques, readjust your expectations. It’s bad at every school, and very bad here. It’s a fresh start from high school, definitely, but the cliques will form quite early in freshman year and you’ll notice them + the ongoing stereotypes and general scene particular to this school, so it won’t be much different I’m afraid.</p>