Social Life at GW

How are the parties? Can freshman guys get in without being a frat? Does the fact that there’s no real campus harm social life. Is it hard being under 21?

The parties have a fair amount of variety to them- it all depends on who’s throwing them and where. Some are housed at the frat houses (you don’t always have to be part of the frat to get in- it just depends); many are in the dorms, in which case you only need to know when and where… bigger parties don’t really care who’s there, but it’s not as likely for you to bust-in on a smaller party full of close friends; there are also parties in off-campus housing (there are a few apartments either on or just off campus where many students live). So, from a freshman’s perspective, most of it is just knowing about the party. If you find yourself in Thurston, there will be no lack of parties, and the culture in that dorm is so open that people bounce from party to party all the time. Even if you AREN’T in Thurston, you just need to know when and where the parties are and show-up.

No, the fact that GW doesn’t have a traditional campus doesn’t hurt its social life. There’s always something going on Thursday through Sunday, August through April (with less action during midterms and finals). Again, about the variety of parties, there’s quite a bit. Some people will be a lot more chill and have fewer folks over, some will have bigger parties and invite their whole floor, and others will have wild parties with themes (PJ parties, underwear parties, etc).

And no, I wouldn’t say that it’s hard being under 21. While it’s not difficult finding parties on campus, your biggest worry will be getting back to your dorm (if the party is somewhere other than your dorm). University Police patrol campus more frequently on party nights, and if you’re acting like an idiot (as many drunk students do) you’ll get cited and sent to the GW hospital emergency room (only if under 21). So the best thing you can do is keep yourself under control on your walk back to your room. Other than that, the only other thing that sucks is not getting into bars (as that’s what most 21-and-over students do for fun). There might be a few bars known to look the other way when it comes to fake IDs, but most won’t.

Hope this helps…


How are the parties?


Average at best


Can freshman guys get in without being a frat?


Yes, but I would consider rushing


Does the fact that there’s no real campus harm social life.




Is it hard being under 21?


Not really, but having a fake is nice