Social life George Washington University?

What is the dating scene like? Is there a big gender gap between girls and guys? What is the average student like and what do they do for fun?

Also, do students from GW ever mingle with students from Georgetown, American, or any other local colleges? Or do most stay their separate ways?

The dating scene is pretty typical for college-aged students within a large city. Basically, while there are plenty of students that reside in exclusive relationships, I’d say the majority don’t get too attached (this is an assumption- I’ve never seen stats on the topic).

As far as a gender gap, there are slightly more females than males. This website ( states the make-up as 56% female, 44% male.

“Average student?” Lol, I don’t think there is such a thing. Most students are politically active/opinionated, and more are driven academically and professionally. Other than that, the student body is quite diverse. I’ve written on the topic before, but the gist is that you’ll find representations of just about anything. As far as fun, I think there’s a fair share of partying on campus, partying off-campus, eating-out at DC’s awesome restaurants, and interning (yes, it’s fine for quite a few students.)

Yes, Georgetown/GW/AU will co-mingle from time-to-time, but I found that each university mostly stuck to itself (except for snowball fights!)

Thank you for the response, it helps a lot!

Keep in mind, the campus as a whole is VERY Liberal.

Whether that is good for you or not, I don’t know.

@AimingTop50 has a great point. The extent of how liberal the campus is probably wouldn’t have any effect on prospective students that find themselves in the same spectrum. However, despite the fact that there is a notable percentage of the school that identifies as conservative, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of tolerance for such viewpoints. Just browsing through comments on threads on Overheard at GW (Facebook group) shows how many liberal students students will outright refuse to even date a conservative. It’s quite possible that it applies both ways, but I’ve only ever witnessed in the direction described.