Social Life

<p>Can anyone tell me about any of these schools? Specifically about... parties, the people, the campus, things to do there...</p>

<p>Susquehanna University
Drexel University
Loyola College (MD)
Juniata College
York College
Elizabethtown College
Indiana University of Pennsylvania</p>

<p>Loyola = lots of irish catholic drinking</p>

<p>i go to york college.. what all do you want to know?</p>

<p>Do you like it there? Is there stuff to do at night and on weekends? Is the campus nice?</p>

<p>yeah i like it here. this is my senior year. the people are really nice, the campus is nice. theyre building a big new gym on west campus and are gonna be rennovating the old gym into a theater on main campus.. there's a nice place where kids hang out that has pool tables and foosball and plasma tv's and whatnot.. stuff to do, there are a lot of things to do on campus like there are movies, comedians, musicians, stuff like that... as well as frat's and parties and whatnot off campus. theres a nice theater downtown that gives like student discounts and whatnot and they have some really awesome shows and whatnot there.. it's like 45 minutes away from baltimore.. umm... what did you want to major in?</p>