<p>I am choosing between tufts and a few other places to apply early. I am a recruited athlete if that matters to the social scene at Tufts (which I doubt). </p>
<p>My biggest concern with Tufts is the social scene I know this topic has been discussed in depth but nothing has truly answered my question. I do like to go out on weekends and do all the typical college party things. So here is what I am curious about,</p>
<p>1) what are the parties like and how many people typically go out to them, one of my biggest concern with the smaller LACs are how they only get 50 kids at a party and one of the reasons I really like Tufts because its not extremely small. 50 kids at a party is pretty lame to me.
2) do people go out on weekdays?
3) How would you rate the social scene 1-10 where a one is completely dead on a weekend and a ten is a huge state school party scene.
4) Also what the school spirit like? I was at homecoming this weekend watching the soccer game since I'm choosing between Tufts and Amherst. I loved how the school seemed during homecoming is that what a typical weekend is like? </p>
<p>I’m a parent of a recruited athlete who plays a fall sport, and I was also at Tufts this past Homecoming Saturday - so I’m at least marginally qualified to respond
In-season, my child only parties on Saturday nights. Team self-polices itself pretty seriously w/r/t the alcohol policy the coach has set forth (can’t speak for other teams, would imagine it varies b/w them). Out-of-season, engages in occasional mid-week partying, but not regularly, and not night-after-night. Has said that’s closer to the norm than not, though it IS college and there’s partying always available for someone seeking it out, I suppose. The party scene’s not remotely comparable to the one at Big State U, however.</p>
<p>From what I gather, the sports teams tend to party in groups. Upperclassmen on some teams (most?) live in off-campus group houses (mine does), so for example one of the men’s lacrosse houses may have a party and tell their friends from the football, women’s softball & women’s field hockey teams about it. Would guess those house parties are in the 50-person range, though I could be wrong (and as a parent, don’t really care to know). Also, a lot of the football players are in the same frat, and they frequently host what I believe are pretty sizable parties that a lot of athletes attend.</p>
<p>Wouldn’t guess that Homecoming gives you the most accurate picture of school spirit. Particularly not when you have a football team that until 10 days ago hadn’t won a game THIS DECADE, only to start this season with consecutive wins. You also have lots of alums (and sometimes their parents) returning from recent years to watch their former teammates, bigger & more festive post-game tailgates & other parties. Not saying there’s no school spirit whatsoever, but being there this past Saturday the spirit was far beyond anything I’ve seen in what’s now my 3rd year of coming up there periodically for my child’s games.</p>
<p>Hope this helps.</p>
<p>I was just at Tufts for two days as apart of their Diversity weekend program and i honestly don’t think the party scene is what you’re looking for. Granted i went out on a Thursday night which is actually a party night but not as big as friday or saturday. I loved the parties i went to though, i went to a small dorm party which had about 15 kids–invitation only thing–and then i also went to a frat party where there were about 50 kids and there was another frat across the street that had probably like 150ish. For me, this size is perfect but if you want huge parties like at a state school you’re not going to find that at Tufts. But you’re not going to meet a better undergraduate class at any university. Everyone at Tufts is awesome and funny and friendly and down to earth which is why i decided to apply ED after my couple of days there. </p>
<p>School “spirit” isn’t big if you mean people go to games and such but school PRIDE is huge. Everyone at Tufts is obsessed with Tufts. </p>