social life???

<p>just a few questions ... to decide on whether i should i apply or not..</p>

<p>is there a big drug scene?? or is it mostly preps getting drunk on the weekends?</p>

<p>music scene? good bands go down there to play often? (i'm into punk, some ska, reggae, and psychedelic music)</p>

<p>are people open minded??? i know its a HUGE school but based on your experiences how are the people you have met ??? </p>

<p>i'm planning to rent an apartment off campus and i highly doubt ill join any clubs... will it be hard to make good friendships?</p>

how hard is the engineering school (specifically, aerospace)...? are the classes so hard that all one focuses on is beating the curve? or is it moderate enough for one to actually focus on learning???</p>

<p>thank you SO MUCH</p>

<p>I’m an 09-er, but I live in Austin, so I won’t talk about anything specific about UT, just the music scene.</p>

<p>Ummm, has no one told you that Austin is the official Live Music Capital of the World???!!! There is literally no better place on the planet for consistently awesome music.</p>

<p>yeah i heard… that’s one of the reasons i’m applying</p>

<p>Regarding your question

when your plan is to be attending a large university, living in an apartment, and not joining any clubs -</p>

<p>this would be a good question to post on the College Life forum.</p>