Social Media Question

To what extent do colleges search you up on social media? I just made my Insta and Twitter private, but I recently searched my email on google, and the results are some really cringey sites that I went on in sixth grade. What are your thoughts?

delete what you can and deactivate the rest

I don’t think that colleges look at internet activity, but it still wouldn’t hurt to do what SeniorStruggling suggested. However, I don’t think colleges would judge you too hard based on what you did in 6th grade even if they do look for and find it.

I doubt many colleges care about posts from middle school. I doubt most google names. The exception is if a student is hoping to get recruited for sports. That is a different story because coaches often go on social media to seek out athletes. So disgusting posts are bound to harm. But that too is only recent disgusting posts. Those that are from middle school won’t make a difference.