<p>As we get closer to I-Day, I have what may seem to be a silly question from a mom.</p>
<p>What is the social scene like at the USNA? I have two kids at civilian schools, and I get what it is like there. There are definite places to hang out on Saturday nights, activities seem to include parties, beer, dates, movies, etc. </p>
<p>What's a typical Saturday night like at the USNA?</p>
<p>Much depends on your year and your age. If you think that it will be a safe haven and that you will “know” that your child is not out participating in typical civilian college activities you might want to rethink that notion. Opportunities for what ever social life you desire are there. These are college age kids. Probably the biggest possible deterrent is, unlike civilian schools, that you stand a good chance of the breathalyzer on the way back into Bancroft.</p>
<p>After turning 21 mine said “this is a pretty fun college town”
The Mids, just like their civilian peers need to be smart and safe. The Academy does have an good alcohol education program that Mids go to upon turning 21.</p>
<p>As for dates - mine does date some, so again depends if that is what your child wants to do. Some Mids refuse to date other Mids, some find local girls/guys to date, some have girls back home - some of thoses even move to Annapolis and rent apartments within an ear shot of the wall. Dating is what ever yours wants it to be.</p>
<p>Movies - they take the bus or get a ride from their sponsor family. The theater is out at the mall. You can order gift cards from the theater to send to your Mid. The mall is another Saturday activity.</p>
<p>Parties - depends again on age and if their “crowd” has a place to party. Some sponsor parents allow it. My Mid’s did not. There are Plebe dances, the International Ball, homecoming. Underclass can attend those. My Mid’s Plebe year he attended the International Ball and said it was really nice. Plebe dances on the other hand were not his high on the list.</p>
<p>My Mids Plebe year Saturday night would have included these types of activities: Sponsor house, the mall, the movies, somewhere in DTA for dinner with friends, out to dinner with friends parents when in town. Parties - not something that I was privy to hearing about if he went to any.</p>
<p>Youngster year was not all that different, they still do not get Friday night off the yard. Sunday he would go to Starbucks with laptop and study off the yard.</p>
<p>Thank you Profmom. Your detailed and well thought out answers to so many questions are much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time.</p>
<p>As I’m sure you can tell, I’m trying to get a picture of what my son’s life will really be like - some things about being a mom never change. This is so different than any path I could have imagined for him, but he is certainly following his dreams.</p>
<p>Annapolis is a nice small town too, and touristy so there are plenty of places to go for dinner out. When the weather is fine, it’s even nice to just stroll and windowshop. There is a lot of golf in the area. DC and Baltimore are doable drives for a night at the theater, or a day seeing the sights.</p>
<p>My Mid who is a Plebe has a favorable social life, although it is FAR from what I know to be a typical college social life. First, they do not leave the yard, with some exceptions during the week. Second, drinking under 21 will get you “fried” quickly. On the weekends he has some fun, like movies, eating out, stuff like that. And yes, the young ladies around the area do seem to like the Mids and he has had some friendly encounters. He really likes the atmosphere in around Bancroft. He has made MANY great friends there and has adopted well to the structured environment, which is not so structured “at times”. Since as a Plebe he has to be in uniform at all times off the yard in and around Annapolis, it does restrict his ability to be “relaxed” since he knows what that uniform means. He can’t wait to be able to leave the yard in “civies” after class on Friday a privilege that only the upper class rate. If you want to get in trouble you certainly can, but overall I am very pleased with the values being taught to my son. Very pleased.</p>
<p>Mids are often seen walking in groups of 2 or more all over Annapolis. They love the mall and other shopping centers around Annapolis. They can often be found in the coffee shops. However school events such as sporting events are very important as well.</p>
<p>^^^LOL you are kidding about sporting events and the mall right?</p>
<p>Mids frequent the Mall because it is about the only place you can go without a car. You will not see too many upper class doing the mall, it tends to be an underclass activity. Upper class go because they need something - underclass go as just because they can!</p>
<p>Sporting events are important but not necessarily in the way you think. Many times we are voluntold to attend. I certainly would not be attending certain events unless required.</p>
<p>It is nice to leave the yard in civies - and you are correct you can finally relax. In and around Annapolis however you will still be identifiable as a Mid. You get used to it. The structured “at times” is very true. And trouble is there for the taking. It is not a pristine environment, plenty of opportunities to get fried if you so chose. For many it is all about risk and reward. Will that certain activity be fun enough for 60 hours restriction and no spring break leave? You learn quickly to ask yourself that question - and then there are those well just don’t ask…</p>
<p>My daughter and I went to a NA Open House @ Annapolis a couple of weeks ago which was followed by a NA basketball game. Daughter noticed that in the section ‘reserved’ for mids none of the mids cheered or clapped. Can you explain that? Thanks.</p>
<p>The reason the section of Mids probably weren’t cheering… They were probably plebes required to go to the game and probably had a major assignment due that next day. That part can seem frustrating, but they work it out. (It could also have been they were up at 5am that morning and doggone tired.) You’ll see both ends of the spectrum.</p>
<p>My Mid just got back from a weekend at a “real college” — it was a true eye-opener. I think the grass is always greener, and my Mid decided home (USNA) was far, far better of a place to be. I think if you get in there, to a point, that “real college” atmosphere is like a dream place with all the freedom and partying - but in reality, I don’t think most Mids would be happiest there. (My Mid was just floored at the lack of attendance at classes, total disrespect of each other, and perceived laziness about their own futures.)</p>
<p>Pure and simple. It is not a lot of fun to be required to attend a mediocre basketball game in lieu of liberty. Now apply that for most sports. All Mids can be voluntold to attend sporting events, not just Plebes. Just not a lot of fun when you do not want to be there and many just don’t want to. </p>
<p>Yes most of us are exactly where we want to be - but at times we all wish to be on the other side of the wall.</p>
<p>I don’t disagree that having to attend sporting events which is often required of Plebes, sometimes upperclass can be a bummer. A lack of attention by the Mid crowd a few games back could have been related to “exams” week which was expressed on another board. My son has attended games he didn’t want to go to and games he wanted to go to…once you get there as anywhere else in the land, it is what you make of it. If you have exams coming up…it can indeed be a great distraction or a unnecessary burden. </p>
<p>The social life is restricted to weekends and it is definitely restricted the first two years and what you make of it the last two years. There is a fine balance between academics, military responsibilities and having fun. The easy part of it, is that you’re surrounded by folks who are essentially in the same boat and it isn’t as if the frat house next door has had an open keg since Wednesday and you’ve had to study all week. All academics are fairly demanding and the military life and restrictions are indeed a detriment to a party scene. But if you where going to Canoe U to party, you should have gone to Univ of Fl or Wisconsin, or IU. Mids realize it and deal with it…</p>
<p>Yes, my Plebe has been “voluntold” to attend a number of games and other events right in the middle of having papers due, exams to take, etc. Sometimes (i.e. Army-Navy football game or the bowl game, for example) most Mids are there because they want to be, but unlike “other colleges,” quite often it’s not their choice to attend.</p>
<p>From my Plebe’s limited perspective, a lot of “social time” as a Plebe is just spent hanging out in each other’s rooms. Some people who are more into exercise will go out and run together on occasion. These are NOT things they would be doing during their precious few hours of liberty each week!</p>
<p>It is what it is. This isn’t exactly a party school. On the other hand, I have seen some pretty creative ways for everybody to have some fun. The recent balloon excercise, placing the plebe’s cover ont eh Chapel dome, apparently took a lot of time to plan and execute.
Friday nights are spent hanging around . . . .
You want to get in trouble? A few find a way to do it every year.
Want to find a date, it can be done.</p>
<p>Not like other schools, but not exactly a prison [sort of like a prison, but not exactly] either.</p>
<p>sort of but not really either, It only seems like a prison when you have made plans and the Academy cancels them. No not a party school but not the convent either. Plenty of fun can be had - just have to be a bit more creative than our civilian college counterparts. Plenty of college type activities to be found especially second class year - plenty of real college campuses for us to go to and hang, some tend to hit U of Maryland and JH, others that hang at GW and then there are those that take overnights at UVA. Creativity folks. The Academy does not make us dull girls and guys.</p>
<p>Summer training also has it’s fair share of partying. Nothing to do in the evenings - VA Beach - plenty of us 21, and plenty underage too, good beach - add it up and draw your own conclusions.</p>
<p>And SB, cruises, skiing, beach, Europe… Plenty to do with lots doing it.</p>