Social Scene

<p>I’d expect that the most hardcore drinkers are the instate kids who came in with an established drinking pattern from HS. The rest get over it pretty quickly and are not getting drunk 3-4 nights a week for more than a semester. A little moderation helps in all things. But a couple beers with friends never hurt anyone much either.</p>

<p>I believe the sheer passing of age has something to do with learning to handle alcohol better. As we get older, with more responsibility either in our educational pursuits or career-wise, it’s just not smart to overdo it too much because paying the piper with a raging hangover the next day ain’t fun, and a 24 year old body doesn’t have the same recuperative powers tht a 19-year-old does. And at 50?! I’m VERY careful now!</p>

<p>Minn kids too, barrons…</p>