<p>I'm applying to Macalester which has need based aid for internationals except when I check the "I will be applying for need based financial aid" box in the Common App, it requires a Social Security # to be entered. I have a Canadian SS# but the format's different. Common App says the US one should be 123-45-6789, mine is 123-456-789. Should I still put mine in? Since a) the format is different, and b) it might not be relevant 'cause it's not an American number.</p>
<p>I can't submit if I don't enter anything, and I don't want to say that I'm not applying for aid, because I am. :P So what should I put in its place? XXX-XX-XXXX?</p>
So I just tried saving the form and they have to be numerical values..X's or # signs don't work.</p>
<p>Here’s the best advice I can give you; it may be advisable to call or email Macalester’s Admission/Financial Aid Offices.</p>
<p>Your Canadian ssn is not a valid taxpayer id in the US; the implication is that if you include your ssn on the form, you may be presenting somebody else’s US ssn. Not good!</p>
<p>According to Macalester’s checklist for international applicants, <a href=“http://macalester.edu/admissions/apply/2008forms/intl/02_mac.in.1st.yr.chk.pdf[/url]”>http://macalester.edu/admissions/apply/2008forms/intl/02_mac.in.1st.yr.chk.pdf</a> , Macalester has a separate financial aid form for you to submit ([financial</a> aid](<a href=“http://www.macalester.edu/financialaid/apply_intnl.html]financial”>http://www.macalester.edu/financialaid/apply_intnl.html) ).</p>
<p>If they receive that form from you, then they’ll know that you’re applying for financial aid. So you can leave the box unchecked – and if you’re really concerned about it, upload your completed International FinAid Form in Additional Information – or just add a note there that says you will be submitting the finaid form by mail.</p>
<p>Thanks geek_mom, I’ve mailed everything in to Macalester already so I just have to submit the online part. That said, if they receive a financial aid form and I’ve checked “not applying for need based aid” I’ll assume they can piece two and two together. </p>
<p>Thanks again for the advice.</p>