Sociology 10

<p>Hey all-</p>

<p>So I registered earlier today, and a few of my friends suggested to take Sociology 10. Caving into peer pressure, and due to the fact that I'm undeclared, I caved in and I'm registered for it.</p>

<p>Can anyone give any insight into this course? Easy? Difficult? Subject matter? I don't really know anything about Sociology (which is good I guess, because it is an intro to Sociology course). All and any feedback welcome.</p>

<p>It looks like it’s only a freshman course and there isn’t much information on it. I can’t imagine it being too hard if it’s just an intro class. Sociology 11 looks more interesting and only has 2 exams.</p>

<p>Sociology 11 does look more interesting, but on the duke prelaw site, I think they specifically recommend Sociology 10 as a good course for law school.</p>

<p>I don’t think either one is a big deal for law school. Law schools are more interested in GPA/LSAT than individual courses, and if anything, they like to see you challenge yourself with some higher-level courses over time. They probably won’t discriminate between two intro sociology classes, and social problems can also relate to areas of law.</p>

<p>I should have clarified–on the Duke prelaw site it states that “Duke undergrads who have gone on to law school have found Sociology 10 helpful.” I don’t think that pertains to optimizing chances for law school acceptance, but rather just in terms of basic preparation for law school/some insight into the law.</p>