<p>Hi everyone, I am currently working on my applications to Cornell, Stanford, UT Austin, MIT, Caltech, and Rice and have applied to UC Berkeley (major: EECS/material science joint major) and UC Davis. Here is my profile:</p>
<p>Graduated from HS in 2007 with a 2.6 GPA</p>
<p>4.0 GPA first semester (Calculus I, English I, Spanish I, Speech 1 (not UC-transferable), Intro to Psych)</p>
<p>3.83 GPA after spring, summer (B in Calculus II, B in English II, Occupational Education (not UC-transferable) Spanish II, Physics I w/ calculus for spring; Computer Science I, Chemistry I in summer)</p>
<p>3.67 GPA after Fall 2008 (B in Statics, B in Properties of Materials, B in Physics II, A in Calculus III)</p>
<p>This spring, I am taking Intro to Electrical Engineering, Physics III, Differential Equations.</p>
<p>SAT I: 1770 (will retake and study for)
SAT II: 670 on math II, 700 on physics</p>
<p>I worked at an after-school program my first year of college (17 hours/week), earned a $400 scholarship through the college, and earned high scores in Calc I, Physics I, Calc III. I wrote an essay so well in English II that my professor asked for a copy to show to future students. I am president of the psychology club, which seems out of place but I plan to do neuroengineering in grad school. Member of MESA and two honor societies (AGS, PTK). Nominated to attend and attended Google headquarters through MESA field trip. I work now as a math tutor (1.5 hours/week).</p>
<p>I am definitely experiencing hardships but wish not to go into detail here. Should I mention any of that in my applications?</p>
<p>I have 53 UC-transferable units right now, 59 total. If I stay at Solano another year, will I still have a shot at Berkeley?</p>
<p>I plan to do a research internship this summer.</p>
<p>In my essays, the main points I make are that I always try to do the right thing, I am highly-motivated and determined, and enjoy school.</p>
<p>My major is bioengineering but, as you can see, I have not taken any bio courses or O-chem yet.</p>
<p>So, what are my chances at these schools? Also, I'd like to know the admission statistics by major, if such a thing exists, for these schools. I tried searching for them, believe me. If you have any other advice or comments, please let me know. Thanks!</p>