<p>I'm a prospective transfer student that's been accepted at Stony Brook, and I was checking my Solar account for the FAFSA/TAP results they emailed me a notice about. </p>
<p>Now, I'm transferring from a CUNY, and that's also being financed by FAFSA/TAP. However, the summary awarded me HALF THE AMOUNT I've received as a CUNY student. I don't know how to question the validity of the summary (tried calling, but they're all open during work hours, what a pain), but is that...it? There is no way attending Stony Brook is cheaper than attending a CUNY (I'm at Hunter College right now, by the way), so could there be some mistake? </p>
<p>I think a problem could be that the university have not decided to guarantee me housing, since FAFSA covers that partway also. But if I accept it now and, say miraculously, the school does decide to let me live on-campus, would I be ineligible for aid? </p>
<p>This is very confusing and frustrating, I'm so close to just staying to avoid the headache =</p>