Hello to the beautiful people of the Non-Traditional Students forum. I have a good friend who is looking to go back to school after a 4 year hiatus since the end of high school. She’s a highly motivated girl but completely new to the scene, who has been earning a modest living on her own and saving up money to continue her education. She will be 23 or 24 when she applies, her funds are limited and she will be getting no assistance from her parents (she has not lived with them since she was a teenager). Her current hope is to study anthropology and/or foreign language though that is flexible and ultimately subject to change. She’s been saying things like she wants to be really immersed in an academic environment and get as much as she can out of it, but she doesn’t know how to get her foot in the door, that if she could choose she’d prefer to go to school full time and work to cover living expenses only, but she doesn’t know her options, that she’s capable of probably a lot more if someone would just give her the opportunity.
You look at her and you can tell immediately that she is quite smart, but I think more than that, she’s highly perceptive and immensely mature for someone her age. I think she would do very well with a college education, and I know I should know the answers to those questions, but I don’t really, I was one of the lucky ones put on the traditional route, with hefty financial aid, with nothing to worry about but getting up every day and getting an education. I just think that she can have that, some part of that, if she played her cards right.
I know back when I applied to college, this forum was pretty invaluable in terms of disabusing me of misconceptions and straightening me up and putting me in the right mind for these things, so here’s hoping it will do the same for her.
My question is: Is 4 year college an option? What are the most key factors in admission? In financial aid? What kind of financial aid is available? Has anyone here gone through a similar experience and would feel comfortable offering up some wisdom?