Some Advice Would be Much Appreciated

I was fortunate enough to accepted into Michigan State, Depaul, and Boston University while I am still waiting for my decision from Michigan (which I doubt I would be accepted) and I narrowed down my choices to MSU and Depaul since going to Boston University would mean my family have to live on bread and water for ten years and I have only gotten into their general studies school. I'm planning on majoring in accounting.</p>

<p>Depaul - After adding up financial aid and scholarship money, there would be only about $4000 in difference between Depaul and MSU and I have been invited into their honors accounting program which seems pretty good from small feedback about it and it seems beneficial since I'm planning on majoring in accounting.</p>

<p>MSU - I would get in-state tuition and would see a lot of my friends lol.</p>

<p>I guess I'm worried about losing the merit scholarships from Depaul since I would be in a honors program which could be difficult for me. Any input would be much appreciated</p>

<p>State seems to be the best choice. DePaul is not worth 16K more over 4 years. In fact head up I would say State offers a better overall education. Chicago of course would be nice but housing would cost significantly more than in East Lansing. If you like Big 10 sports though this is a no brainer :wink: haha.</p>