<li>3.8 Unweighted GPA
-Honors coursework/APs
-taking Chinese honors (have heard it looks good so I'm mentioning but what do you think? im white btw)
-Marching band (quitting, so two years of it total)
-Several things with my instrument, including band and orchestra will be doing all four years
-My current SAT score is 2060 but I expect my real score to be higher after more prep and all that</li>
<p>Where do you think I should set my sights on? Also, what do you think my chances are at say - Mcgill and NYU?</p>
<p>Also, if I took on a job and did a sport in my last two years, how much would it boost my app at this point?</p>
<p>Looking to major in pre-med…focusing my hard classes/APs on math and science, on track for Calculus BC senior year and any science I desire by then. However I’m worried about my ECs. I have enough with my clarinet but I have no sports and a bit comm service though I’m confident I’ll pick up a job.</p>
<p>Okay, well where do you think I should go then? I know McGill is very affordable and a great value, so do you think my chances there are good? But yeah if you could give me some ideas on schools to apply for that would be great.</p>
<p>I would say look into really good research universities such as Michigan, JHU, Washington, Rutgers, etc. Med school is going to cost you alot of money my friend, so I would save during undergrad to go pricey for med school.</p>
<p>JHU is reportedly a VERY competitive scene for pre-meds. </p>
<p>What state are you in? Is your state flagship honors college a realistic choice? Never forget that you might well change your mind about pre-med…don’t put yourself in a box: choose a school with options.</p>
<p>It sounds as if you are looking for schools in large cities: is that true? You need to narrow it down: the list of “highest doable reaches” would include many good LACs (which are excellent for pre-med, BTW) and Us. And if FA plays a role, it changes everything.</p>