<p>I am not sure if I should apply to any UC's below SD since it is extra $$ to apply then sent reports etc. But I don't want to not get into any colleges either.
So here are my stuff:
Capps UC GPA for 10-11 grade : 4.318
4318 </p>
<p>SAT 1 2100
SAT 2:
Math2c 800
Chem 800
(ACT :33)
I am not sure how to do the ACT but for
All the SATs : 3700 *. 8 =
<p>Courses: 7th grade : Spanish 1A (1 semester worth)
8th: Spanish 1B, Geometry (3 semester worth)
9th:Spanish 2, Algebra 2/Trig. Lit/Writing,Bio (8 semesters worth)
10th:World Lit, World His, AP Calculus BC, Physics H, Spanish 3 (10 semesters worth)
11th : American lit/writing, Java programming, Stats AP, Chem AP, Art 3, Us History (12 semesters)
12th : Brit lit, Gov/econ, AP comp sci, AP bio (8 semesters)
4 from middle school + 8 + 10+ 12+ 8 = 42
so that is 500 points?</p>
<p>someone please check this
<p>President of Robotics Club
Secretary of Math Club
so that is 150?</p>
<p>Various math contest stuff : 300 points</p>
<p>about 140 hours of volunteering : 150</p>
<p>lived only with one parent since 5th grade ? : 250????</p>
<p>4318 + 2960+ 500 + 150 + +300 + 150 + 250 = 8628 ?????
Um. can someone please check my calculations to be sure?
and take out that stuff you don't think belong?
Should I bother with UC Davis and Irvine?</p>