Some one check my calculations?

<p>I am not sure if I should apply to any UC's below SD since it is extra $$ to apply then sent reports etc. But I don't want to not get into any colleges either.
So here are my stuff:
Capps UC GPA for 10-11 grade : 4.318
4318 </p>

<p>SAT 1 2100
SAT 2:
Math2c 800
Chem 800
(ACT :33)
I am not sure how to do the ACT but for
All the SATs : 3700 *. 8 =

<p>Courses: 7th grade : Spanish 1A (1 semester worth)
8th: Spanish 1B, Geometry (3 semester worth)
9th:Spanish 2, Algebra 2/Trig. Lit/Writing,Bio (8 semesters worth)
10th:World Lit, World His, AP Calculus BC, Physics H, Spanish 3 (10 semesters worth)
11th : American lit/writing, Java programming, Stats AP, Chem AP, Art 3, Us History (12 semesters)
12th : Brit lit, Gov/econ, AP comp sci, AP bio (8 semesters)
4 from middle school + 8 + 10+ 12+ 8 = 42
so that is 500 points?</p>

<p>someone please check this

<p>President of Robotics Club
Secretary of Math Club
so that is 150?</p>

<p>Various math contest stuff : 300 points</p>

<p>about 140 hours of volunteering : 150</p>

<p>lived only with one parent since 5th grade ? : 250????</p>

<p>4318 + 2960+ 500 + 150 + +300 + 150 + 250 = 8628 ?????
Um. can someone please check my calculations to be sure?
and take out that stuff you don't think belong?
Should I bother with UC Davis and Irvine?</p>


<p>i doubt they'll give you 250 for living with one parent</p>

<p>If you live in SoCal, get Irvine. If you live in NorCal, do Davis. They will likely give you some nice scholarship, so its worth at least applying (plus you get back from them ~December/January, which is always a confidence booster) I'd be aiming for LA and Cal though, or maybe a private.</p>

<p>Peppers: Thanks for the tips! I think that is a good idea!</p>

<p>i'm looking at the 2004 rubric right now. and it says you need a total of 7465 points to pass. it will probably bump up to about 7565 points for 2008. and with your 40+ a-g classes (500pts) you're at 7778 points. i think you're in. ahh and im borderline...</p>

<p>what happen to my math awards and officer positions and volunteering hours?
i have a lot of national level math stuff.
I think i am gonna apply to davis too now since they have full scholarship for someone that participated in FIRST robotics competition.</p>

<p>sorry, i should've shown this earlier
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>