Some Scary Stuff (Is Someone Trying to Steal my Identity?)

<p>Ok, well I decided tonight that I better get started on some of my RD schools. Those include Notre Dame, University of Chicago, and Emory University. Well I figure I'll just register accounts for each university so I have the online application ready and waiting for me. Notre Dame goes fine. University of Chicago... my email is already in use in their system. I think oh, maybe I already started one (I really don't think I did). I ask it to send my email address my password... it never comes. So I can't start an app there w/ my email address essentially.</p>

<p>Next I try emory. They have 2 systems for which you can submit your application. I try my email address again... and it says it's already in use on both systems. I've never even looked at the application page on Emory! So right now I'm just in awe... is something going on here.... I'm kinda freaking out... why would someone register applications w/ my email address.... it makes no sense</p>

<p>sign up with a different email address then.</p>

<p>wouldn't you be worried if college databases already had your email addresses signed up for an application?</p>

<p>yes, but don't be too concerned. No one could steal your identity this way without your eventually finding out- when colleges try to contact you about your application, they will do so at that e-mail address. I agree with banedon17, sign up using a different e-mail address- if you don't have one, then sign up for a free hotmail account and use that.</p>

<p>well I'm going to call their schools tomorrow and ask them... b/c i'd rather have all my college stuff consolidated on one email address</p>

<p>U Chicago enters people on their mailing list into the application database, and then they mail them a postcard with an Uncommon App password. Once you get that, you can set up a new password.</p>

<p>verify it again
It might be an error
recursive function errorsare possible on a large database</p>

<p>If they already have your email but you don't think you ever registered or was given a password, simply have for the password to be sent to that designated email. They should allow you to "forget your password?" and have it forwarded to the email. If you have access to these email that is already on their list, then you should receive it. Et voila! </p>

<p>This works on like the 20 websites I am a member to and which I can never remember the password so they email it to me.</p>

<p>As for the identity theft, I think not. No. People don't usualy go after emails as they do for SS numbers and CC numbers. Do you use AOL? Because AOL emails are hijacked more often than other email accounts. It happened to me twice. The AOL password and screename is more valuable to hijack because it gives access to Internet and AOL services.</p>

<p>Keep one standard password foreach
My forum passwords are all one... mail is another
Use stuff u will remember like books etc.</p>