Somebody who took the Dec. SATs and remember CR, please explain this for me....

<p>So, there were 4 questions on a double passage about urban sprawls....</p>

<p>The first question asked if the words in quotes were spoken out loud or was against the narrator's viewpoint for passage 2. Which is the correct answer? I said the spoken out loud.</p>

<p>There was another question asking if the author of passage 1 according to passage 2 was elitist and shortsighted or boorish and understandable. Which is the correct answer? I put boorish and understandable. </p>

<p>One more question.... For the passage with Mo and Duncan, was Mo's quotes in lines 1-3 due to Ducan's inability to control his class, no expertise in teaching language courses, or to undermine his teaching ability?</p>


<p>The quotes indicated that it was against the narrators own viewpoint.</p>

<p>It was elitist and shortsighted.</p>

<p>And lastly, I believe the consensus was the undermine teaching ability (what I picked)</p>

<p>elitist and shortsighted? wouldn’t that be a little too strong for ETS?
“boorish and understandable” sounds better to me
the others sound right to me</p>

<p>I got all the same ones as lolcats4. </p>

<p>It was elitist because the second author mentioned something along the lines of snobbery when discussing those opposed to urban sprawls. It was shortsighted because the author stated that in the future, complaints regarding urban sprawls would lack relevance.</p>

<p>what were other answer choices other than elitist and shortsighted AND boorish and understandable for that question? Does anyone remember?</p>

<p>he mentioned snobbery? i don’t remember that
how much are we allowed to say? cause i remember that passage fairly well
and i remember 3/5 answer choices for that question
(the other two were surely wrong, but don’t remember)</p>

<p>he said highbrow or something which is kinda like snobbery?</p>

<p>yes he said highbrow. There is no question it was elitist and shortsighted</p>

<p>ok. good for you. give yourself a pat on the back. lol.</p>

<p>I found this one in the forums and also had a question on it: “advertisements face the same kind of problems as other historical documents … but just to a lesser degree”</p>

<p>Not verbatim but what did you think the answer was?
something that started with both, something that had one was less problematic or something that said history to a less degree? I put less problematic.</p>

<p>Everyone else, please debate the other two remaining questions in addition to this one. </p>

<p>It’s decided that one of the answers was elitist and shortsighted. case closed on that one.</p>

<p>“advertisements face the same kind of problems as other historical documents … but just to a lesser degree”</p>

<p>^ that was a correct answer choice for a CR question</p>

<p>i agree with lolcats. The first question asked if the words in quotes were spoken out loud or was against the narrator’s viewpoint for passage 2. Which is the correct answer? I said the spoken out loud.</p>

<p>i really can not remember that question… what were the words?</p>