Someone explain International Relations to me PLEASE

<p>So, I read through the articles on the board, and I still don't really get an understanding of what it is exactly that certain social sciences teach you. I mean, History obviously teaches you history and information about the past. Psych, bio, chem, etc. all self explanatory. But what about something like International Relations? I mean, in the end, what does that teach you that you couldn't see from actively reading news and staying current on events. Basically, it seems like a waste of time to me, but I want someone who feels otherwise. It doesn't seem like it's based on fact, it seems more like ********.</p>


<p>IR is an interdisciplinary field of study drawing on political science, history, geography, economics, foreign language and sociology/anthorpology. It's subject matter are the interactions within and between nation-states. As with other social sciences it draws on empirical study and philosophical inquiry to make hypotheses and draw conclusions regarding the way different cultures approach economic, social, educational, and political issues. Given the number of master's level programs in IR its a robust field of study valued by many in government and public service.</p>