Someone I know did something stupid

<p>This person I know was accepted into UCLA and Cornell and instead of picking one in April before the May 1st deadline, she decided to say yes to both schools. now she wants to pick UCLA over Cornell I think because they gave her a full ride..... what can she do? Can she drop Cornell?</p>

<p>That's not good. If worse comes to worse, both schools can drop her.</p>

<p>WOW, that was one dumb mistake for one apparently smart person. Ironic</p>

<p>Just tell her to be honest and tell her to just hope that one college has enough grace and heart to allow her to attend the school.</p>

<p>just call one and say you were accepted off the waitlist at another school.</p>

<p>haha chewy is only one with brains here</p>

<p>will Cornell ask for verification from the UCLA or will they just say "ok, good luck" ?</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure they'll just say sorry to lose you or whatever - maybe someone else can verify (that has actually been taken off a waitlist)?</p>

<p>Unless you signed an ED contract, you should have no problem other than losing a deposit.</p>

<p>yeah you didnt sign a contract no strings attached just say you are studying out of the country</p>

<p>just do what chewy3 said...</p>

<p>AGAIN, I am going to Pton</p>

<p>but i will let this person know</p>