<p>I don't know bout all y'all, but seeing people complain about a 2000 on the SAT or a 30 on the ACT makes me want to vomit. Another thing that makes me want to yuck is the "what are my chances?" board. seriously, everyone on here probably represents the top notch student applying to any college, and i hate it when people with scores lower than a 30 or 2000 are told they basically suck on boards like these. </p>
<p>coming on these boards is a very humbling experience. </p>
<p>Yes, I'm sure all the not-superhero people here feel the exact same way. I do too. Its ridiculous and I"m not even going to comment on their posts anymore. These people are going to live very unfullfilling lives.</p>
<p><em>Shrug</em> People have different standards of what excellent is. I know I was often told to shut up when I get upset about a B on a test. </p>
<p>That occurred because, my standards differed from another individual's standards. The same applies to standardized testing.</p>
<p>I understand this board can be very discouraging for some individuals. I personally would advise these people to avoid the "What are my Chances?" threads.</p>
<p>The "What are my chances?" board as a whole makes me sick. How many times does "NO ONE KNOWS" have to be repeated? :mad:</p>
I know I was often told to shut up when I get upset about a B on a test.
Oh, me too--but I try not to make a big deal out of it, because I know it hurts some people's feelings. Even on CC, where people on average are unusually high-achieving, I try to maintain some level of discretion.</p>
<p>Some people on here make me sick too. The "what are my chances" board is the worst. I try to avoid it at all costs. I am the average high school student. I hate all the obsession by top HS students here and by people that are putting on an act to boost their ego. This board has been discouraging, but also a good laugh once in awhile. This is just a giant academic brag board... most of the time. Some threads do have good, important information in them, and some are for people who need honest advice. I usually don't even bother to post anymore.</p>
<p>These boards make me thankful that I live in MS, the state with the lowest standards on everything (especially education). I can be the best at everything without trying. Yay.</p>
<p>actually speaking of getting Bs, after getting one B... the prospect of a second B doenst feel too bad. Well,i was kind of upset at my first B+.. but my second B.. it was blah. o welpz.. its not as if i never got one before.. it became a bit more acceptalbe</p>
<p>Why do we blame this forum and the users?
It is the colleges who are the true source of agony......If there is no ivy-league and no selectivity....i dont think anyone would care about a B, or C....
So there is a bunch of obessive people....but they are not borned to be like that....the whole college process made them obessive....and it is understandable because they are probably pretty stressed.....:)</p>
<p>I do believe we can blame the posters in the "What are my chances?" forum for asking the advice of people who obviously know no more than they do. It's completely unnecessary, and in some cases only serves to massage their already bloated egos (or, in other cases, destroy fragile ones). Stress isn't a reason for surrendering all logical thought, IMHO.</p>
<p>I think a lot of the times, people here know they are the cream of the crop, but they go out of their way to act humble. They'll ask, "Oh! I don't stand a chance at so and so college" when they know that they would be one of the top applicants in the pool. It's unintentional and its a good thing to be modest, but some people here take it way too far.</p>
<p>If they are as smart as their GPA and test scores indicate, then they should be able to figure out where they stand and not post topics like, "DO I EVEN HAVE A CHANCE??"</p>
Sometimes the people on here make me sick..... </p>
<p>I don't know bout all y'all, but seeing people complain about a 2000 on the SAT or a 30 on the ACT makes me want to vomit. Another thing that makes me want to yuck is the "what are my chances?" board. seriously, everyone on here probably represents the top notch student applying to any college, and i hate it when people with scores lower than a 30 or 2000 are told they basically suck on boards like these. </p>
<p>coming on these boards is a very humbling experience. </p>
<p>does anyone agree with me here?
<p>OMG. Can I go to Harvard?</p>
<p>25.0/10.0 GPA
5000/2400 SAT
All AP Courses. 5 on all tests
All SAT II's.
President of NHS, NHJS, FBLA, HOSA, 4-H, Art Club, Music Club, Latin Club, Spanish Club, French Club, Japanese Club, Chinese Club, German Club.
President of SGA kindergarten through 12th grade.
President of Student Council 1st through 12th grade.
Over 1,000 Academic Awards, Certificates, etc.
Volleyball Captain, Soccer Captain, Tennis Captain Pre-K through 12th grade
Owns 5 businesses
Started 28 volunteer clubs. President of all.</p>
<p>Hook: I can hug my feet close to my face.</p>
<p>OMG!!! Do I have a chance??????????
<p>Nice post!!! Thank God most of the people like that (1/2 of whom lie about their stats) are only aaround during the app. process and don't stick around. Think about it though, if you exclude people like that from this forum, the majority of CCers are really nice people.</p>
<p>Sometimes it's fun [especially that troll with the crazy stats!]; other times, it's frustrating.</p>
<p>I haven't been around here long enough to go through an application season, but I'm sure it must be hell. This board's fun, though! :-D</p>
<p>Some of the standards people have (OMG I GOT 790 I'M GOING TO DIEEEEEEEE) are ludicrous, but it's just a competitive thing I guess. I got my first B's this year, but I'm ok. As long as people don't flip (or obsess over Ivies!), things can be happy. Personally, I like being happy.</p>
<p>Not gonna lie though; finding out I had a surprise 4.0 this trimester made me very, very happy. =p</p>
<p>i don't see why well-qualified people would even bother with what are my chances threads, are they not smart enough to figure that out themselves? hopefully some of us with not-so-good stats will get into an excellent university and be truly inspiring.</p>