Sometimes the people on here make me sick.....

<p>they're well qualified, but qualified != intelligent</p>

<p>I like the stats tells me what I'm up against...I can also steal some of their ideas :cool:</p>

<p>like social ones...</p>

<p>people complain about a 2000 becuz it generally isn't good enough to get into HYP, unless u have killer ECs.</p>

<p>I'm proud of these eager students. At least they care about college and their long term goals. Yeah when I first joined it annoyed me greatly but it's the better end of things I guess.</p>

<p>The thing I hate here is all the people talking how they're looking into this ivy leauge and that ivy leauge and never mention paying for it. Some of us have the stats...but could never go to an institution like that because of $$$.</p>

<p>They get a part time job of course</p>

<p>yeah right</p>

<p>My brother paid off his tuition on his own 7 year after he left college :D</p>

<p>OMG. Can I go to Harvard?</p>

<p>25.0/10.0 GPA
5000/2400 SAT
All AP Courses. 5 on all tests
All SAT II's.
President of NHS, NHJS, FBLA, HOSA, 4-H, Art Club, Music Club, Latin Club, Spanish Club, French Club, Japanese Club, Chinese Club, German Club.
President of SGA kindergarten through 12th grade.
President of Student Council 1st through 12th grade.
Over 1,000 Academic Awards, Certificates, etc.
Volleyball Captain, Soccer Captain, Tennis Captain Pre-K through 12th grade
Owns 5 businesses
Started 28 volunteer clubs. President of all.</p>

<p>Hook: I can hug my feet close to my face.</p>

<p>OMG!!! Do I have a chance??????????

<p>just kidding</p>

<p>LOL bluealien! >/ Not again. Some people are curious about their chances. They want to know what their missing AND want opinions of others. ^_^ People who worried about their "horrible" grades just want to do better. =] I agree with you, Rose. Except the vomit part. >x</p>

<p>I think I am going to revise my list above and post it on what are my chances to stir people up. :)</p>

<p>I think that this board really opened my eyes... I thought I had no chance anywhere decen. I mean, I had nearly straight As, tons of good ECs, some amazing recs, a job, but did really terrible on the SATs/ACTs. I would have never applied to some of the schools I did because I didn't think I had a chance. </p>

<p>CC was a great tool. I'm proud to say I survived the college admissions process with a 100% acceptance rate with generous merit based scholarships from most places. I have the people on CC to thank because my parents hadn't a clue about college admissions and my guidence counselor was only interested in big names and not true quality. </p>

<p>Honestly if going on the "chances" board made me depressed, I'd be envious and motivated to work harder</p>

<p>Well, the chances board could be good for many reasons, some already discussed. But some kids have really messed up parents so they have to get encouragement from other places. I mean, if your parents were to call you a failure with a 2200 on the SAT (My friend's parents got pretty mad with that score, so don't think its not possible), wouldn't you think that you had no chance to get into anywhere? And besides, as someone said earlier, a 2000 is pretty low for an Ivy, or an highly selective school, and a majority of those worrying about their stats, as high as they may be, are applying to those schools...</p>

<p>The board irks me sometimes to be perfectly blunt. I mean really some of the guys on this board will be successful no matter what life throws at them. I get tired of people complaing over a B like it's the end of their life. I failed a class and got over it gave me a great lesson we don't always get what we want and **** happens. People wouldn't sweat grades and stats if they weren't so worried about "brand name" colleges (The Ivy League). Meh that's just my 2¢ cents.</p>

<p>You do have to realize that people do apply to Ivy League schools for other reasons than the name, though. Not everyone is prestige whoring, though some certainly are.</p>

<p>I was aware of that point long ago. I just like to point out that the prestige whores are in full force on this board at times (though they are greatly in the minority) it's my personal crusade.</p>

<p>About the money thing and not being able to pay for the Ivy League...</p>

<p>...I plan on working at Hooters when Im in college.. I figure that will give me a little tuition money :)</p>

<p>I think people on cc are perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with a little ambition. right?</p>

<p>"...I plan on working at Hooters when Im in college.. I figure that will give me a little tuition money"</p>

<p>I reccommend another strategy. Try getting a job instead. I'm sure your prospective employer won't appreciate the fact that you had to work as a stripper in college.</p>

<p>Hooter is not a strip club, it's a resturant</p>

<p>Hmmm, I heard the waitresses there are somewhat like least that's what "law and order" seemed to be implying.</p>

<p>LOL you've never went to hOOters? Ya its not a respected job...I think Moni was joking anyways</p>